__toString() 方法 public string __toString() {return} string 异常的简要描述信息 源码: sdk/php/lib/XS.class.php#L67 (显示) public function __toString(){ $string = '[' . __CLASS__ . '] ' . $this->getRelPath($this->getFile()) . '(' . $this->getLine() . '): '; $s...
XSException All Packages | 属性 | 方法(函数) 包 XS 继承关系 class XSException » Exception 子类 XSErrorException 版本 1.0.0 源代码 sdk/php/lib/XS.class.php XS 异常类定义, XS 所有操作过程发生异常均抛出该实例 Protect...
getRelPath() 方法 public static string getRelPath(string $file) $file string 需要转换的绝对路径 {return} string 转换后的相对路径 源码: sdk/php/lib/XS.class.php#L79 (显示) public static function getRelPath($file){ $from = getcwd(); $file = real...
...otected function check(){ if ($this->_sock === null) { throw new XSException('No server connection'); } if ($this->_flag & self::BROKEN) { throw new XSException('Broken server connection'); }} 检测服务端的连接情况
...oMap[$name])) { if ($throw === true) { throw new XSException('Not exists field with vno: `' . $name . '\''); } return false; } $name = $this->_vnoMap[$name]; } if (!isset($this->_fields[$name])) { if ($throw === true) { ...
...->link = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass)) === false) { throw new XSException("Can not connect to mysql server: '$user@$host'"); } if (!mysql_select_db($param['dbname'], $this->link)) { $this->close(); throw new XSException("Can not switch to database name: '{$param['dbn...
...r, $pass, '', $port); if ($this->obj->connect_error) { throw new XSException("Can not connect to mysql server: '$user@$host'"); } if (!$this->obj->select_db($param['dbname'])) { $this->close(); throw new XSException("Can not switch to database name: '{$param['dbname']}'...
... if (($sock = @fopen($conn, 'wb')) === false) { throw new XSException('Failed to open local file for writing: `' . $conn . '\''); } $this->_flag |= self::FILE; $this->_sock = $sock; return; } elseif (($pos = strpos($conn, ':')) !== false) { $hos...
...r, $pass, '', $port); if ($this->obj->connect_error) { throw new XSException("Can not connect to mysql server: '$user@$host'"); } if (!$this->obj->select_db($param['dbname'])) { $this->close(); throw new XSException("Can not switch to database name: '{$param['dbname']}'...
...: 1)); } elseif (!($param = parse_url($this->type))) { throw new XSException('Wrong format of DB connection parameter'); } else { if (isset($param['user'])) { $param['user'] = urldecode($param['user']); } if (isset($param['pass'])) { $param['pa...