.../ 加入头文件 require 'pscws/pscws4.class.php'; header("Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); // 建立分词类对像, 参数为字符集, 默认为 gbk, 可在后面调用 set_charset 改变 $pscws = new PSCWS4('utf-8'); $pscws->set_ignore('yes'); $pscws->set_dict('E:/scws/etc/dict....
..._string const&, bool, int, bool)' ./.libs/libchertcheck.a(chert_check.o)(.text+0x1036): In function `ChertTableCheck::check(char const*, std::basic_stri ng const&, int, std::basic_ostream &)': : undefined reference to `ChertTable::open()' ./.libs/libchertcheck.a(chert_check.o)(.text+0x1088): In...
...argv[]) { scws_t s; scws_res_t res, cur; char *text;// = "Hello, 我名字叫李那曲是一个中国人, 我有时买Q币来玩, 我还听说过C#语言"; text = "我是一名中国的程序员"; if(argc == 2) text = argv[1]; ...
$text = "a vnii a"; function get_tags_arr($title){ require 'pscws4/pscws4.class.php'; $cws = new PSCWS4('utf8'); $cws -> set_charset('utf-8'); $cws->set_dict('dict.utf8.xdb'); $cws->set_rule('pscws4/etc/rules.utf8.ini'); $cws->send_text($title); $words = $cws->get_tops(10); $cws->c...
...nclude int main() { scws_t s; scws_res_t res, cur; char *text = "Hello, 我名字叫李那曲是一个中国人, 我有时买Q币来玩, 我还听说过C#语言"; int i; if (!(s = scws_new())) { printf("error, can't init the scws_t!\n"); ex...
...clude #include main() { scws_t s; scws_res_t res, cur; char *text = "Hello, 我名字叫李那曲是一个中国人, 我有时买Q币来玩, 我还听说过C#语言"; if (!(s = scws_new())) { printf("error, can't init the scws_t!\n"); exit(-1); } scws_set_charset(s...
...动试调用 ini 中指定路径下的词典和规则文件 $scws->send_text("这里没有调用 set_dict 和 set_rule 系统会自动试调用 ini"); $list = $scws->get_tops(3); settype($list, 'array'); foreach ($list as $tmp) { echo $tmp['word'].""; } $scws->...
... ) [_terms:XSDocument:private] => [_texts:XSDocument:private] => [_charset:XSDocument:private] => UTF-8 [_meta:XSDocument:private] => Array ( [docid] => 9509 [rank] => 1 ...
# mydict_utf8.txt 我是新增词 爆红 再试一个 [php] $text = '最近撑腰体爆红网络我是新增词再试一个'; class scws { public $so; function get_microtime() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } ...
...历取出就好了,大概如下: scws_t s; scws_top_t top, cur; char *text = "测试说明文字"; s = scws_new(); scws_set_charset(s, "utf8"); scws_set_dict(s, "/etc/dict.utf8.xdb", SCWS_XDICT_XDB); scws_send_text(s, text, strlen(text)); cur = top = scws_get_tops(s, 10, NULL); while (cur != N...