...ss.php#L108 (显示) public function __call($name, $args){ if ($this->_meta !== null) { $name = strtolower($name); if (isset($this->_meta[$name])) { return $this->_meta[$name]; } } throw new XSException('Call to undefined method `' . get_class($this) . '::' ...
..._charset !== null && $this->_charset !== 'UTF-8') { $from = $this->_meta === null ? $this->_charset : 'UTF-8'; $to = $this->_meta === null ? 'UTF-8' : $this->_charset; return new ArrayIterator(XS::convert($this->_data, $to, $from)); } return new ArrayIterator($this->_data)...
...len === 0) { return $buf; } } // error occured $meta = stream_get_meta_data($this->_sock); $this->close(true); $reason = $meta['timed_out'] ? 'timeout' : ($meta['eof'] ? 'closed' : 'unknown'); $msg = 'Failed to recv the data from server completely '; $msg .= '(...
... $p mixed 字符串表示索引文档的编码或搜索结果文档的 meta 数据, 数组则表示或索引文档的初始字段数据 $d string 可选参数, 当 $p 不为编码时, 本参数表示数据编码 源码: sdk/php/lib/XSDocument.class.php#L56 (显示) public function _...
... } // error occured if ($bytes === false || $bytes === 0) { $meta = stream_get_meta_data($this->_sock); $this->close(true); $reason = $meta['timed_out'] ? 'timeout' : ($meta['eof'] ? 'closed' : 'unknown'); $msg = 'Failed to send the data to server completely '; ...
...d() 方法 public void setField(string $name, mixed $value, bool $isMeta=false) $name string 字段名称 $value mixed 字段值 $isMeta bool 是否为元数据字段 源码: sdk/php/lib/XSDocument.class.php#L170 (显示) public function setField($name, $value, $i...
...ss.php#L108 (显示) public function __call($name, $args){ if ($this->_meta !== null) { $name = strtolower($name); if (isset($this->_meta[$name])) { return $this->_meta[$name]; } } throw new XSException('Call to undefined method `' . get_class($this) . '::' ...
...ass.php#L93 (显示) public function __set($name, $value){ if ($this->_meta !== null) { throw new XSException('Magick property of result document is read-only'); } $this->setField($name, $value);} 魔术方法 __set 实现以对象属性方式设置文档字段值
...len === 0) { return $buf; } } // error occured $meta = stream_get_meta_data($this->_sock); $this->close(true); $reason = $meta['timed_out'] ? 'timeout' : ($meta['eof'] ? 'closed' : 'unknown'); $msg = 'Failed to recv the data from server completely '; $msg .= '(...
...a){ if ($data === null) { $this->_data = array(); $this->_meta = $this->_terms = $this->_texts = null; } else { $this->_data = array_merge($this->_data, $data); }} 批量设置字段值 这里是以合并方式赋值, 即不会清空已赋值并且不在参数中的...