....it486586.com/crontab/index.php hour xs_clear PHP Fatal error: Uncaught [XSException] www.it486586.com/data/api/xs/lib/XS.php(2443): Connection refused(C#111, thrown in /home/www/www.it486586.com/data/api/xs/lib/XS.php on line 2443 success at 2015-01-11 02:08:21 [hr] 权限都...
...size - $len) . '/' . $size . ', REASON:' . $reason . ')'; throw new XSException($msg); }} 写入数据
...t[$body] = $doc->f($type); } $this->restoreDb(); } catch (XSException $e) { if ($e->getCode() != XS_CMD_ERR_XAPIAN) { throw $e; } } $this->xs->restoreScheme(); return $ret;} 获取热门搜索词列表
...b3我在这个位置无论使用那种方式,都会出现如下错误 [XSException] lib/XS.php(1832): Failed to open file(S#513) #0 ../phplib/XS.php(1089): XSServer->execCommand(Array, 250) #1 ../phplib/XS.php(1094): XSIndex->addExdata('????????111????...') #2 ../phplib/XS.php(1100): XSIndex->...
...o '200'; } } catch(XSException $e) { echo '500'; } 更新 try { $xs = new XS('projectname'); $index = $xs->...
...", XS::convert($res->buf, $this->_charset, 'UTF-8')); } } catch (XSException $e) { if ($e->getCode() != XS_CMD_ERR_XAPIAN) { throw $e; } } return $ret;} 获取修正后的搜索词列表 通常当某次检索结果数量偏少时, 可以用该函数设计...
... if ($ff->type !== XSFieldMeta::TYPE_STRING) { throw new XSException("Field `$name' cann't be used for facets search, can only be string type"); } $buf .= chr($ff->vno); } $cmd = array('cmd' => XS_CMD_SEARCH_SET_FACETS, 'buf' => $buf); $cmd['arg1'] = $exact =...
... $xs = XS::getLastXS(); if ($xs === null) { throw new XSException('An XS instance should be created before using ' . __CLASS__); } self::$_server = $xs->getScwsServer(); self::$_server->setTimeout(0); self::$_charset = $xs->getDefaultCharset(); ...
...nv($from, $to . '//TRANSLIT', $data); } else { throw new XSException('Cann\'t find the mbstring or iconv extension to convert encoding'); } } return $data;} 字符集转换 要求安装有 mbstring, iconv 中的一种
...$ret) == $limit) { break; } } } catch (XSException $e) { if ($e->getCode() != XS_CMD_ERR_XAPIAN) { throw $e; } } $this->restoreDb(); $this->xs->restoreScheme(); $this->_defaultOp = $op; return $ret;} 获取相关搜索...