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1.win7 64系统下安装扩展报错,php_scws.dll 不是有效的 Win32 应用程序。

发布时间:2013-05-05 12:05 t By dengdaiderizi521

Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'd:/wamp/bin/php/php5.3.13/ext/php_scws.dll' - %1 不是有效的 Win32 应用程序。 apache的错误日志中这么报错!哪里有64位的扩展库下载?

2.RE: win7 64系统下安装扩展报错,php_scws.dll 不是有效的 Win32 应用程序。

发布时间:2013-05-07 10:05 t By hightman

下一版本我编译一个吧。。。你试试下载 i386 版本的PHP呢

3.hi hightman, scws_ext cant be run on x64!!!??

发布时间:2010-12-19 19:12 t By postwhere

... load dynamic library 'D:\home\php\ext\php_s cws.dll' - %1 is not a valid Win32 application. in Unknown on line 0 ------------------------------------------ all i config is absolutly right, the prob must be the lib:php_scws.dll is a win32/64 compatible!! so could u build the the lib on x64 pl...


发布时间:2012-11-03 00:11 t By iinlanjian

...or C1189: #error : You cannot use 32-bit time_t (_USE_32BIT_TIME_T) with _WIN64 编译环境为VS2010完全安装,Windows8 x64,复制Release_PHP54 win32到Release_PHP54 x64. 请高手帮助一下看看。或者直接给我发一个PHP5.4的64位dll,会搞死人。多谢。


更新时间:2011-12-15 11:12 t By ccy034106

环境:win7(64位) + nginx + php 我是按 http://www.ftphp.com/scws/docs.php#instdll 来配置的。 重启web服务器时出错 报错提示: 1、无法定位程序输入点 zend_ini_string_ex 于动态链接库 php5ts.dll上 2、PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'D:\server\ph...

6.RE: hi hightman, scws_ext cant be run on x64!!!??

发布时间:2010-12-29 12:12 t By postwhere

evry body, 1.1.3 has been compiled with x86,x64version, it can be run on the related platform like winxp,win2k8...enjoin~~thanks to hightman

7.RE: hi hightman, scws_ext cant be run on x64!!!??

更新时间:2010-12-20 20:12 t By postwhere

... but when used it on 64bit it still alert: php_scws.dll %1 is not a valid Win32 application.~~~ hightman, i want to compile the lib with 64bit, does it run?[hr] by the way, the code is ansi based standard, and when i compile it on OSI standard with vs9, it's appear many desprecat warning, but the...

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