...Iterator() 方法 public void getIterator() 源码: sdk/php/lib/XSDocument.class.php#L272 (显示) public function getIterator(){ if ($this->_charset !== null && $this->_charset !== 'UTF-8') { $from = $this->_meta === null ? $this->_charset : 'UTF-8'; $to = $this->_meta ...
...set) $charset string 设置文档字符集 源码: sdk/php/lib/XSDocument.class.php#L132 (显示) public function setCharset($charset){ $this->_charset = strtoupper($charset); if ($this->_charset == 'UTF8') { $this->_charset = 'UTF-8'; }} 设置文档字符集
XSDocument All Packages | 方法(函数) 包 XS 继承关系 class XSDocument 实现接口 ArrayAccess, IteratorAggregate, Traversable 版本 1.0.0 源代码 sdk/php/lib/XSDocument.class.php 文档用于描述检索/索引的基础对象, 包含一组字段...
...lib/XSTokenizer.class.php#L220 (显示) public function getTokens($value, XSDocument $doc = null){ $tokens = array(); $this->setIgnore(true); // save charset, force to use UTF-8 $_charset = self::$_charset; self::$_charset = 'UTF-8'; $words = $this->getResult($value); foreach (...
...lib/XSTokenizer.class.php#L220 (显示) public function getTokens($value, XSDocument $doc = null){ $tokens = array(); $this->setIgnore(true); // save charset, force to use UTF-8 $_charset = self::$_charset; self::$_charset = 'UTF-8'; $words = $this->getResult($value); foreach (...
...$this->search($type . ':1'); foreach ($result as $doc) /* @var $doc XSDocument */ { $body = $doc->body; $ret[$body] = $doc->f($type); } $this->restoreDb(); } catch (XSException $e) { if ($e->getCode() != XS_CMD_ERR_XAPIAN) { throw $e; ...
...此自动关闭开启的 rebuild add() 方法 public XSIndex add(XSDocument $doc) $doc XSDocument {return} XSIndex 返回自身对象以支持串接操作 源码: sdk/php/lib/XSIndex.class.php#L72 (显示) public function add(XSDocument $doc){ return $this->update(...