
大约有 60 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 3,513 项。 (搜索耗时:0.0063秒)

31.RE: xunsearch安装成功,索引也显示成功,但是无法搜索

发布时间:2013-08-22 17:08 t By boxshadow

...D:2 就能找到相应的数据 filename就是 xxxx ID是主键 filename type=title ini的内容为: project.name = .... project.default_charset = UTF-8 ;server.index = 8383 ;server.search = 8384 [ID] type = id [filename] type = title tokenizer = full 求指点


... 那也是一个合法的字段,字段选项包括以下几种: #### type 字段类型 - string 字符型,适用多数情况,也是默认值 - numeric 数值型,包含整型和浮点数,仅当字段需用于以排序或区间检索时才设为该类型,否则请使用 str...


发布时间:2011-10-19 09:10 t By vist2007

... server.index = server.search = [id] type = id [title] type = string [content] type = string [date] type = numeric 服务器和sdk分开部署 添加文档代码 但是我运行


发布时间:2012-02-21 12:02 t By flyfeng2

我索引的时候有个字段 type 0为新闻 1为产品 现在如何 where type=1这样的啊? $docs = $search->setQuery($skey)->addWeight('title', $skey)->search(); 这里不知道怎么写?

35.$count = $search->getLastCount(); 结果成了$search->setLimit($limit, $offset);的设置的值

发布时间:2013-05-02 07:05 t By doudang

...gs:教材 AND 图书 结果就是正确的 配制内容为: [id] type = id [title] type = title [tags] type = string index = both tokenizer = split([/[\s,\/]+/]) 搜索语句的写法为: $search->setLimit(10); //设置返回结果最多为 5 条,并跳过前 10 条 ...

36.RE: 关于XS:getExpandedQuery() 方法,获取展开的搜索词列表

发布时间:2011-12-06 16:12 t By popfeng

你好,新设计的字段 [pid] type = id index = none tokenizer = none [uid] type = string tokenizer = full index = self weight = 5 ...


...>name . '\''); } if ($field->isSpeical()) { if (isset($this->_typeMap[$field->type])) { $prev = $this->_typeMap[$field->type]; throw new XSException('Duplicated ' . strtoupper($config['type']) . ' field: `' . $field->name . '\' and `' . $prev . '\''); } ...


更新时间:2012-07-05 11:07 t By xilin

...置如下: project.name = article project.default_charset = UTF-8 [aid] type = id [title] type = both [smalltitle] type = string [copyfrom] type = string [totalhit] type = string [keywords] type = string [sendtime] type = numeric 在添加索引时,文档中有说会自动转码,所以...

39.RE: 英文数字组合字符串分词问题

更新时间:2014-05-14 10:05 t By hpxl

sdk/php/app/demo.ini配置 [php] [id] type = id [productsName] type = title tokenizer = scwsSplit [/php] 自定义字母、数字分词类 sdk/php/lib/XSTokenizerScwsSplit.php [php]


...Scheme.class.php#L514 (显示) public function fromConfig($config){ // type & default setting if (isset($config['type'])) { $predef = 'self::TYPE_' . strtoupper($config['type']); if (defined($predef)) { $this->type = constant($predef); if ($this->type == se...

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