...sid] => XSFieldMeta Object ( [name] => newsid [cutlen] => 0 [weight] => 1 [type] => 10 [vno] => 0 [tokenizer:private] => full [flag:private] => 1 ) [title] => XSFieldMeta Object ( [name] => title [cutlen] => 0 [weight] => 5 [type] => 11 [vno] => 1 [tokenizer:private] => 0 [flag:private] => 19 ) ) [_...
字段设计有点问题。当type为string,没有指明index索引方式是是不分词的。 [title] type=string index=both 和 [title] type=title 这两个字段设计效果一样。同样content,类型也有问题,可以这样 [content] type=body 或者 [content] type=string index=mixed 具...
...efault_charset = utf-8 server.index = 8383 server.search = 8384 [xsid] type = id [pid] tokenizer = full type = numeric index = self [tid] type = string index = self tokenizer = full [fid] type = string index = self tokenizer = full [title] index = both type = title [con...
...lt_charset = utf-8 server.index = 8383 server.search = 8384 [sub_ID] type = id [sub_title] type = title [sub_edition] type = title [sub_text] type = body [sub_date] type = numeric 于是使用php进行测试,代码如下 没有显示任何结果 data目录下...
...efault_charset = utf-8 server.index = 8383 server.search = 8384 [ID] type = id phrase = yes [author] index = self [post_content] type = body [post_title] type = title [post_date] type = numeric index = self [category] index = self [/php] 索引导入 /usr/local/xunse...
...ty:31 AND tag_id:1300 , 开启模糊搜索 setFuzzy(),是指针对 type= title 单字段搜索 还是所有条件都模糊搜啊? 一般搜索标题类型都是 type= title ,比如我要搜 '宠' 能搜到 宠物店 宠美容 但是没有 宠寄养世界 , 再搜 ...
project.name = product_search2 server.index = server.search = [sales_id] type = id index = both [title] type = title 这是索引文件。
...server.index = server.search = [id] type=id [title] type=title index=both [content] type = body index = mixed [lv1] index = self tokenizer = full [lv2] index = self tokenizer = full [lv3] index = self tokenizer = full [school_id] in...
如下: 自定义分词字段 b_split_title [b_split_title] type = title tokenizer =coupon $search->setQuery( '(b_split_title:宠物 OR 宠物 ) AND b_city_id:31')->setlimit(1000000)->setFacets('b_tag_id')->search(); 打印: Xapian::Query(((or:(pos=1) AND 宠物:(pos=2) AND and:(pos=3) ...
...D:2 就能找到相应的数据 filename就是 xxxx ID是主键 filename type=title ini的内容为: project.name = .... project.default_charset = UTF-8 ;server.index = 8383 ;server.search = 8384 [ID] type = id [filename] type = title tokenizer = full 求指点 [/quote] type=t...