
大约有 20 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 3,513 项。 (搜索耗时:0.0063秒)

1.请问有没有类似mysql里的" where 1=1 "的语句?

发布时间:2013-11-28 16:11 t By gdtv

在前端业务需求中要组合多个字段来搜索。 where 1=1 and key1=xxx and key2=xxx and key3=xxx "where 1=1"是为了在写代码的时候方便后面添加0个或者多个"and key1=xxx" 请问xunsearch里的可以实现吗?


发布时间:2012-02-21 12:02 t By flyfeng2

我索引的时候有个字段 type 0为新闻 1为产品 现在如何 where type=1这样的啊? $docs = $search->setQuery($skey)->addWeight('title', $skey)->search(); 这里不知道怎么写?


发布时间:2013-09-08 21:09 t By hongjh

...join order as o on g.gid = o.gid left join comment as c on g.gid = c.gid where ..... group by g.gid 然后,用$index->add($doc), 一条条加入 2> 更新索引时,我又重新跑一次sql, select * from goods as g left join order as o on g.gid = o.gid left join comment as c on g.g...


更新时间:2012-05-18 09:05 t By myoula

...ntent as content from pw_threads t left join pw_tmsgs tm on t.tid = tm.tid where t.ifcheck = 1 and t.fid != 0 and t.fid !=444 order by t.tid asc" --project=项目名 4 建立phpwind的索引队列 #建立队列表 mysql -uroot -p 你的phpwind数据库名 CREATE TABLE `mq` ( `mid` int(10) unsigne...


发布时间:2012-06-12 21:06 t By cevin

...RADIANS(`lat`) AS `latitude`, RADIANS(`lon`) AS `longitude` FROM `fandian` WHERE (`id` >= $start AND `id` SetServer("localhost", 9312); $cl->SetMatchMode(SPH_MATCH_ALL); $cl->SetArrayResult(true); $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_ATTR_ASC, '@geodist'); $cl->SetGeoAnchor('latitude', 'longitude', (float)...

7.SQL语句里 group by 带来的问题

发布时间:2014-05-20 15:05 t By xiao6ye

...om fp_goods as g left join fp_goods_attr as ga on g.goods_id = ga.goods_id where g.is_on_sale = 1" --project=fp 开始重建索引 ... 初始化数据源 ... mysql://root:@localhost/shop 开始批量导入数据 (请直接输入数据) ... 完成索引导入:成功 16 条,失败 0 条 完...


发布时间:2012-04-18 22:04 t By qq277049

...id,b.content AS bc,b.addtime,b.title,c.content AS CC from blog b,comment c where b.bid = c.bid" /usr/local/xunsearch/sdk/php/app/59n.ini [/php] [code] [XSException] ../lib/XS.php(2202): Connection timed out(C#110) #0 ../lib/XS.php(2025): XSServer->connect() #1 ../lib/XS.php(2011): XSServer->...

9.SQL 导入错误,请问管理同学 sql 导入不支持 DATE_FORMAT(a.inputtime , '%Y%m%d' ) 函数??

更新时间:2012-03-19 23:03 t By a7262619

...data as ad on a.id=ad.id LEFT JOIN v9_category as c on a.catid = c.catid WHERE a.status =99" --project xxx/xiangshan.ini[/php] 注意:自动忽略无效的过滤器 [/usr/local/xunsearch/sdk/php/util/filter.php] 初始化数据源 ... mysql://xxx@localhost/phpcms [XSException] ../usr/local/xu...


发布时间:2013-07-02 16:07 t By yestar

...source=mysql://root:123456@localhost/cusabio --sql="SELECT * FROM proinfo where is_show=1" --project=cusabio_cn_fix --filter=/xunsearch/bin/sdk/php/lib/FixcnFilter -c gbk 里面的 filter=/xunsearch/bin/sdk/php/lib/FixcnFilter 过滤器每次都要进行指定。 官方能否在没个ini文件...

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