
大约有 20 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 3,513 项。 (搜索耗时:0.0076秒)


更新时间:2013-06-18 10:06 t By hpxl

[php]bash-3.2$ php sdk/php/util/Quest.php spj example_attr:small50 --show-query -------------------- 解析后的 QUERY 语句:Xapian::Query((ZHsmall:(pos=1) AND 50:(pos=2)))[/php] 搜不到任何结果?

2.chaussures isabel m

发布时间:2012-05-02 11:05 t By Trekzenbreef

... to Instyler.All of Avanti hair equipment such as blow dryers are intended utilizing a blend of amazing systems and are wrapped with a continuum of top end functions.


发布时间:2012-08-14 22:08 t By molaCorgo

...y. For the duration of the war, men's clog sneakers have been usually utilized for clandestine operation spies would set confidential paperwork on the clog's secret compartment.How could we write about black gown Fitflop Footwear without having touching on stilettos? We have a assorted array of...


...除了调用 `API` 外,您还可以使用 [Indexer 索引管理工具](util.indexer#ch8) 进行同义词管理。 查看已有同义词库 --------------- 通过 [XSSearch::getAllSynonyms] 来获取当前索引库内的全部同义词记录,返回一个数组, 以原词(标准词)为...

5.以json 格式数据导入报错

发布时间:2013-06-24 16:06 t By yestar

...号去掉之后,就可以正常导入。 我输入命令符的时候 util/Indexer.php --source=json cusabio_cn_fix /var/www/fix/file1.txt -c gbk 报错误为 WARNING: invalid line #1 - Empty array INFO: reach end of the file, total lines: 1 Íê³ÉË÷Òýµ¼È룺³É¹¦ 0 Ìõ£¬Ê...


更新时间:2012-12-26 12:12 t By HiLinz

... 1、如何查找类型为电影、并且拼音中包含ff的。如用:util/Quest.php words "pinyin:ff AND type:电影",怎么查不到结果? 2、如何根据 ff 把搜索到的影片中的关键词(芬芳、非凡、风范)高亮? 3、搜索结果中如何把关键词按影片名中关...

7.Xunsearch SDK for PHP

...带注释的入口文件,会自动加载其它 .class.php 文件 - util/RequireCheck.php 命令行运行,用于检测您的 PHP 环境是否符合运行条件 - util/IniWizzaard.php 命令行运行,用于帮助您编写 xunsearch 项目配置文件 - util/Quest.php 命...


更新时间:2011-12-29 11:12 t By assad

...于结果显示了 现在来创建索引 /usr/local/xunsearch/sdk/php/util/Indexer.php --source=mysql://xxx --sql="SELECT p.ID,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(p.post_date) AS post_date_sec,DATE_FORMAT(post_date,'%Y%m%d') AS post_time,p.post_title,p.post_content,p.post_content AS post_content_full,u.user_login AS...


发布时间:2011-10-28 10:10 t By mengfanchao

...Missing value of primarky key (FIELD:pid) #0 /usr/local/xunsearch/sdk/php/util/Indexer.php(195): XSIndex->update(Object(XSDocument)) sql语句: sql="select c.contentid,c.status,b.contentid from phpcms_content c,phpcms_c_news b where c.contentid=b.contentid and c.status=99" 配置文...

10.RE: 求助:Indexer.php执行不了

更新时间:2012-12-11 11:12 t By gdtv

... [code][root@a107 ~]# /usr/local/php/bin/php /usr/local/xunsearch/sdk/php/util/Indexer.php --project=xxx –-source=mysql://xxx:xxx@localhost/xxx --sql="select ID,post_title,post_content,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(post_date) as post_time from wp_posts where (post_status='publish' or post_status='pending') and ...

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