
大约有 100 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 3,513 项。 (搜索耗时:0.0063秒)


更新时间:2014-03-27 10:03 t By iostream210

...efault_charset = utf-8 server.index = 8383 server.search = 8384 [xsid] type = id [pid] tokenizer = full type = numeric index = self [tid] type = string index = self tokenizer = full [fid] type = string index = self tokenizer = full [title] index = both type = title [con...

2.RE: 当搜索不设置关键字的时候,type = numeric 的字段会乱码

更新时间:2014-04-11 12:04 t By sundyandy

...文件: project.name = pin_115_gjh project.default_charset = UTF-8 [id] type = id [name] type = title [create_time] type = numeric [enterprise_id] type = numeric [image_url] [img_type] [category] index = mixed [source] [source_icon_url] [from] type = numeric [buy_stat] type = numeric [...


更新时间:2012-04-05 10:04 t By 鸭梨山大

...空格的问题 英文中有空格的固定词组 配置文件这样的 [type] type = string index = both tokenizer = split(|) 录入的数据中type是这样的 1.ccc|aaa bbb 2.ddd ============== 代码这样的 docs = $search->search('type: [color=#FF4500]"[/color]aaa bbb[color=#FF00...

4.搜索歌曲名称为 单个汉字的,没有结果

更新时间:2012-02-21 10:02 t By chenlinbo5588

...harset = utf-8 server.index = 8383 server.search = 8384 [music_id] type = id [music_name] type = title index = both [message] type = body cutlen = 500 [singer] type = string index = both [company] type = string index = none [album_name] type = string index = both ...

5.type = numeric, 存入的数据为乱码

发布时间:2012-05-31 00:05 t By netyum

type = numeric 存入数据,查出来的是乱码 使用addRange,无法查询 板主试试

6.Missing field of type ID 错误

更新时间:2012-04-20 11:04 t By lygfanye

...ndex = server.search = [brandId] type = id [brand] type = title index =self [/php] 而且搜索骨架会有 [php]大约有 0 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 10,735 项。 (搜索耗时:0.0020秒) [

7.求救 强制单字搜索 解决方法

发布时间:2012-02-22 18:02 t By chenlinbo5588

...harset = utf-8 server.index = 8383 server.search = 8384 [music_id] type = id [music_name] type = title index = both [message] type = body cutlen = 500 [singer] type = string index = both [company] type = string index = none [album_name] type = string index = both we...

8.Missing field of type ID

发布时间:2013-08-22 00:08 t By boxshadow

require './XS.php'; $xs = new XS("torrentkittys"); 引入文件之后实例化类 然后不做任何操作 就出现这个问题: Missing field of type ID 请大大指点


发布时间:2014-02-13 17:02 t By lzc2523700

...> int(0) ["weight"]=> int(1) ["type"]=> int(10) ["vno"]=> int(0) ["tokenizer":"XSFieldMeta":private]=> string(4) "full" ["flag":"XSFieldMeta":private]=> int(1) } ...

10.RE: Missing field of type ID 错误

发布时间:2012-04-20 13:04 t By hightman

missing field of type id说明你 -p 指定的不对,指定齐全路径吧 至于骨加的可能是你的PHP代码错误自己看错误找对应的行改啊

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