
大约有 4 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 3,513 项。 (搜索耗时:0.0035秒)


发布时间:2013-05-20 11:05 t By tendyming

...e of database) 2013-05-15 04:24:01 worker2[15247] WARN [sock:52] quit, IO timeout (TIMEOUT:5) 2013-05-15 04:24:01 worker2[15247] WARN [sock:31] quit, IO timeout (TIMEOUT:5) 2013-05-15 04:24:01 worker1[15240] WARN [sock:38] quit, IO timeout (TIMEOUT:5) 2013-05-15 04:24:01 worker2[15247] WARN [soc...


更新时间:2012-05-29 21:05 t By Mr.

...hp(2165): Failed to recv the data from server completely (SIZE:0/8, REASON:timeout) quit, IO timeout (TIMEOUT:5): XS.php(2165): Failed to recv the data from server completely (SIZE:0/8, REASON:closed) xunsearch版本1.3.1


发布时间:2011-09-15 22:09 t By shwan

... Error Details: The FastCGI process exceeded configured activity timeout Error Number: 258 (0x80070102). Error Description: µÈ´ýµÄ²Ù×÷¹ýʱ¡£ HTTP Error 500 - Server Error. Internet Information Services (IIS)

4.RE: search时报错 ,请帮看看是哪的问题

发布时间:2012-12-25 10:12 t By benq81

...] ThinkPHP/Extend/Vendor/sdk/php/lib/XS.php(2087): Task is canceled due to timeout/error(S#514) 日志: 2012-12-25 10:19:08 worker1[11340] [sock:7] task canceld, run the cleanup (ZARG:0x7f6c775fdbf0) 2012-12-25 10:19:08 worker1[11340] [sock:7] quit, result error (CODE:514) 2012-12-25 10:19:08 ...

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