...下很火的lbs搜索呢? sphinx配置: [code] sql_query_range = SELECT IFNULL(MIN(`id`), 1), IFNULL(MAX(`id`), 1) FROM `fandian` sql_query = SELECT `id`,`type`, `name`, RADIANS(`lat`) AS `latitude`, RADIANS(`lon`) AS `longitude` FROM `fandian` WHERE (`id` >= $start AND `id` SetServer("loc...
...ndexer.php(195): XSIndex->update(Object(XSDocument)) sql语句: sql="select c.contentid,c.status,b.contentid from phpcms_content c,phpcms_c_news b where c.contentid=b.contentid and c.status=99" 配置文件: project.name = html project.default_charset = utf-8 server.index = 8383 ...
...入 /usr/local/xunsearch/sdk/php/util/Indexer.php --source=xxxxxx --sql="SELECT p.ID,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(p.post_date) AS post_date,p.post_title,p.post_content,u.user_login AS author,t.name AS category FROM wp_posts AS p LEFT JOIN wp_users AS u ON p.post_author=u.ID LEFT JOIN wp_term_relationships AS tr ...
...l://数据库用户名:数据库密码@数据库地址/数据库名 --sql="select t.tid as tid, t.fid as fid, t.author as author, t.authorid as authorid, t.postdate as postdate, t.subject as subject, tm.content as content from pw_threads t left join pw_tmsgs tm on t.tid = tm.tid where t.ifcheck = 1 ...
.../Indexer.php --project=xxx –-source=mysql://xxx:xxx@localhost/xxx --sql="select ID,post_title,post_content,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(post_date) as post_time from wp_posts where (post_status='publish' or post_status='pending') and post_type='post'" Indexer - 索引批量管理、导入工具 (xunsearch/1.3.3...
... /usr/local/xunsearch/sdk/php/util/Indexer.php --source=mysql://xxx --sql="SELECT p.ID,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(p.post_date) AS post_date_sec,DATE_FORMAT(post_date,'%Y%m%d') AS post_time,p.post_title,p.post_content,p.post_content AS post_content_full,u.user_login AS author,t.name AS category,tt.term_taxonomy_...