
大约有 13 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 3,513 项。 (搜索耗时:0.0067秒)

1.安装出错,求助 failed to compile scws

发布时间:2013-03-22 11:03 t By hswddan

Centos 6.3 已经yum install gcc 和 yum install gcc-c++ 运行sh setup.sh还是出错,求助: Checking scws ... no Installing scws (1.2.1) ... Extracting scws package ... Configuring scws ... Compiling & installing scws ... ----- config.status: creating Makefile config.status: crea...

2.安装的时候出现you should use --build, --host, --target这样的提示是什么原因?

更新时间:2014-05-19 12:05 t By 情雨轩

...现了下面这样的问题 是什么原因?求指点 Checking scws ... setup.sh: line 158: test: cd: binary operator expected setup.sh: line 161: test: cd: binary operator expected no Installing scws (1.2.3-dev) ... Extracting scws package ... Configuring scws ... ----- configure: WARNIN...

3.Xunsearch 安装时常见错误解决办法(不断更新)!

更新时间:2011-09-26 10:09 t By hpxl

1. ubuntu安装时:./setup.sh 错误提示:[code]Configuring xapian-core-scws ... ----- checking for library containing zlibVersion... -lz checking for uuid/uuid.h... no checking for uuid.h... no configure: error: Neither uuid/uuid.h nor uuid.h found - required for brass, chert and fli...

4.RE: Xunsearch 安装时常见错误解决办法(不断更新)!

发布时间:2014-05-08 17:05 t By fain7

[quote='hpxl' pid='14' dateline='1316156077'] 1. ubuntu安装时:./setup.sh 错误提示:[code]Configuring xapian-core-scws ... ----- checking for library containing zlibVersion... -lz checking for uuid/uuid.h... no checking for uuid.h... no configure: error: Neither uuid/uuid.h nor u...


更新时间:2011-11-09 21:11 t By fg0711

...X=/opt/bin/c++ ----- ERROR: failed to configure xapian-core-scws, see 'setup.log' for more detail [hr] [root@localhost xunsearch-full-1.0.1]# sh setup.sh + | Welcome to setup xunsearch(full) | | 欢迎使用 xunsearch (完整版) 安装程序 ...


更新时间:2011-11-25 14:11 t By bigxu

...search.安装xunsearch软件其实很简单,一条 指令就可以解决[./setup.sh],但是云主机的使用却是比较麻烦. 所谓云主机,可以理解为一虚拟机.估计安装在类似VirtualBox,之类 的软件平台上.但要想登上却比较麻烦. 1,你需要申请一个3分钟...

7.RE: 布尔搜索问题

发布时间:2012-01-14 16:01 t By hightman

放心,直接运行 ./setup.sh 就能实现升级, 会覆盖 data 和 app/*.in


更新时间:2012-11-29 20:11 t By chinapubmed

....bz2 tar -xjf xunsearch-full-latest.tar.bz2 cd xunsearch-full-1.3.3/ sh setup.sh 错误代码:no GCC 解决方法:yum install gcc 错误代码:no C++ compiler 解决方法:yum groupinstall 'Development Tools' 错误代码:no zlib.h 解决方法:yum install zlib-devel ...


发布时间:2013-05-10 17:05 t By aiden

./setup.sh 后出现错误: configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: creating cli/Makefile config.status: creating etc/Makefile config.status: creating libscws/Makefile config.status: creating libscws/version.h config.status: creating config.h c...

10.发布 xunsearch-1.0.0b3 (全文检索,基于xapian和scws)

更新时间:2011-09-19 15:09 t By hightman

...语句中执行自定义分词 * 2011-09-16 hightman: 修正安装脚本 setup.sh 中 'read -e' 的兼容问题

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