check() 方法 protected void check() 源码: sdk/php/lib/XSServer.class.php#L438 (显示) protected function check(){ if ($this->_sock === null) { throw new XSException('No server connection'); } if ($this->_flag & self::BROKEN) { throw new XSException('Broken ser...
...hp#L188 (显示) public function __construct($arg = null){ if (self::$_server === null) { $xs = XS::getLastXS(); if ($xs === null) { throw new XSException('An XS instance should be created before using ' . __CLASS__); } self::$_server = $xs->getScwsServer()...
getScwsServer() 方法 public XSServer getScwsServer() {return} XSServer 分词服务器 源码: sdk/php/lib/XS.class.php#L467 (显示) public function getScwsServer(){ if ($this->_scws === null) { $conn = isset($this->_config['']) ? $this->_config['server....
...x === null) { $adds = array(); $conn = isset($this->_config['server.index']) ? $this->_config['server.index'] : 8383; if (($pos = strpos($conn, ';')) !== false) { $adds = explode(';', substr($conn, $pos + 1)); $conn = substr($conn, 0, $pos); } ...
...rch === null) { $conns = array(); if (!isset($this->_config[''])) { $conns[] = 8384; } else { foreach (explode(';', $this->_config['']) as $conn) { $conn = trim($conn); if ($conn !== '') { ...
..._CMD_SEARCH_SCWS_GET, XS_CMD_SCWS_GET_RESULT, 0, $text); $res = self::$_server->execCommand($cmd, XS_CMD_OK_SCWS_RESULT); while ($res->buf !== '') { $tmp = unpack('Ioff/a4attr/a*word', $res->buf); $tmp['word'] = XS::convert($tmp['word'], self::$_charset, 'UTF-8'); $words[]...
...hp#L188 (显示) public function __construct($arg = null){ if (self::$_server === null) { $xs = XS::getLastXS(); if ($xs === null) { throw new XSException('An XS instance should be created before using ' . __CLASS__); } self::$_server = $xs->getScwsServer()...
..._SCWS_GET, XS_CMD_SCWS_GET_TOPS, $limit, $text, $xattr); $res = self::$_server->execCommand($cmd, XS_CMD_OK_SCWS_TOPS); while ($res->buf !== '') { $tmp = unpack('Itimes/a4attr/a*word', $res->buf); $tmp['word'] = XS::convert($tmp['word'], self::$_charset, 'UTF-8'); $words[]...
...alued = array()){ $result = array('-' => array()); $params = isset($_SERVER['argv']) ? $_SERVER['argv'] : array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($params); $i++) { if ($params[$i] === '--') { for ($i = $i + 1; $i < count($params); $i++) { $result['-'][] = $params[$...
...ommand(XS_CMD_SEARCH_SCWS_GET, XS_CMD_SCWS_GET_VERSION); $res = self::$_server->execCommand($cmd, XS_CMD_OK_INFO); return $res->buf;} 获取 scws 版本号