SCWS-1.2.2安装后运行自带的测试脚本scws_test.php报错了: SimpleCWS::set_dict(): Failed to set the dict file。 检查过多次完全按照说明安装的。服务器环境是ubuntu 12.04 nginx php5.3[hr] 权限问题,更改权限可以了!
... test.php: Warning: SimpledCWS::set_dict() [simpledcws.set-dict]: Failed to load the dict file in D:\website\ dict_utf8.xdb 及 rules.utf8.ini 是放在test.php 同一個資料夾下 另有我試過用 $scws->set_dict('D:\website\dict_utf8.xdb'); 也有相同問題 請問PHP 設...
...ning[/b]: scws_set_dict() [[color=#0000ff]function.scws-set-dict[/color]]: Failed to load the dict file in [b]D:\AppServ\www\rootwww\fc\test.php[/b] on line [b]24[/b] [b]Warning[/b]: scws_set_rule() [[color=#0000ff]function.scws-set-rule[/color]]: Failed to load the ruleset file in [b]D:\AppServ\...
程序里面调用set_rule("d:\rule.ini"); 但是就算用从网站下载的rule文件,也还是报“Failed to load the ruleset file”。 怎么回事?
...sock = @fopen($conn, 'wb')) === false) { throw new XSException('Failed to open local file for writing: `' . $conn . '\''); } $this->_flag |= self::FILE; $this->_sock = $sock; return; } elseif (($pos = strpos($conn, ':')) !== false) { $host = substr($c...
... compiler found in $PATH See `config.log' for more details ----- ERROR: failed to configure scws, see 'setup.log' for more detail[/size]
...sock = @fopen($conn, 'wb')) === false) { throw new XSException('Failed to open local file for writing: `' . $conn . '\''); } $this->_flag |= self::FILE; $this->_sock = $sock; return; } elseif (($pos = strpos($conn, ':')) !== false) { $host = substr($c...
...or: *** You need a working C++ compiler to compile Xapian, but configure failed to *** find one. If you have a working C++ compiler, you can tell configure where *** to find it by invoking it like so: *** *** ./configure CXX=/opt/bin/c++ 需要c++ 编译环境?文档上说提供...
...ata = file_get_contents($data)) === false) { throw new XSException('Failed to read exdata from file'); } // try to check allowed (BUG: check the first cmd only): // XS_CMD_IMPORT_HEADER, XS_CMD_INDEX_REQUEST, XS_CMD_INDEX_REMOVE, XS_CMD_INDEX_EXDATA $first = ord(substr($data, 0, 1...