
大约有 154 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 3,513 项。 (搜索耗时:0.0060秒)

81.RE: 第二次遇到无法重启的情况

发布时间:2012-03-30 09:03 t By KnightE

...r from pipe, shutdown gracefully 2012-03-30 09:40:33 worker3[10481] event server end 2012-03-30 09:40:33 worker1[10982] get NULL pointer from pipe, shutdown gracefully 2012-03-30 09:40:33 worker2[10480] event server end 2012-03-30 09:40:33 worker3[10481] deinit the thread pool 2012-03-30 09:40:...


更新时间:2012-02-24 11:02 t By zl8522115

...下 [code] project.name = xuenar_news project.default_charset = utf-8 server.index = server.search = [id] type=id [title] type=title index=both [content] type = body index = mixed [lv1] index = self tokenizer = full [lv2] index = self to...


发布时间:2011-12-13 16:12 t By icebolt

Uncaught [XSException] ../../xunsearch/sdk/php/lib/XS.php(2043): Failed to recv the data from server completely 报这个错误,不知道问题在哪


发布时间:2014-06-25 11:06 t By askie

$index->setDb("a1"); $index->setTimeout(0); 这个超时设置不起作用,还是会出现: :Failed to recv the data from server completely (SIZE:0/8, REASON:timeout) 如果不setDb("a1")就这个setTimeout就起作用!

85.RE: xunsearch 无法重启

发布时间:2012-05-12 00:05 t By Mr.

报告一下 刚才我也重启不了 INFO: stopping server[xs-searchd] (BIND: ................................. [FAILED] fastrestart也不行 此时看了下xs-searchd占cpu90多了 没strace过 是直接kill掉就可以重启了


...ommand(XS_CMD_SEARCH_SCWS_GET, XS_CMD_SCWS_GET_VERSION); $res = self::$_server->execCommand($cmd, XS_CMD_OK_INFO); return $res->buf;} 获取 scws 版本号

87.RE: 求提供 C 语言版的API

发布时间:2014-12-25 10:12 t By hightman

目前这个协议还是有点麻烦,是二进制形式,还没有C的API。 以后会考虑让 server 直接接受和输出 json。


发布时间:2014-08-30 22:08 t By qiuxis

...xunsearch" cd $prefix bin/xs-ctl.sh restart 显示: INFO: stopping server[xs-indexd] (BIND: .... [OK] INFO: re-starting server[xs-indexd] ... (BIND: INFO: stopping server[xs-searchd] (BIND: .... [OK] INFO: re-starting server[xs-searchd] ... (BI...


发布时间:2014-08-30 22:08 t By qiuxis

...xunsearch" cd $prefix bin/xs-ctl.sh restart 显示: INFO: stopping server[xs-indexd] (BIND: .... [OK] INFO: re-starting server[xs-indexd] ... (BIND: INFO: stopping server[xs-searchd] (BIND: .... [OK] INFO: re-starting server[xs-searchd] ... (BI...


更新时间:2014-02-16 17:02 t By Mr.

...不是固定的 project.name = hash project.default_charset = UTF-8 server.index = /dev/shm/xs-indexd.sock server.search = /dev/shm/xs-searchd.sock [id];图片ID主键 唯一 type = id index = none tokenizer = none cutlen = 0 weight = 0 phrase = no non_bool = no [title];图片属...

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