[XSException] ../../../../usr/local/xunsearch/sdk/php/lib/XS.php(1906): Failed to send the data to server completely (SIZE:8192/15664, REASON:unknown) #0 /usr/local/xunsearch/sdk/php/lib/XS.php(1851): XSServer->write('????????25?????...') #1 /usr/local/xunsearch/sdk/php/lib/XS.php(1058): XSServe...
... 导入成功的时候说了失败0条。 [root@localhost util]# ./Quest.php wlg 北京 [XSException] ../lib/XS.php(2092): None of database avaiable(S#506) #0 ../lib/XS.php(1505): XSServer->execCommand(Object(XSCommand), 206) #1 Quest.php(221): XSSearch->search() #2 {main} 请问怎么解...
...的 sdk整个文件夹copy一份到了2上面 然后进入2里面的 sdk/php/app/xx.ini配置一下 (1里面也是xx.ini 但是没有设置server.index和server.search) project.name = xxxx project.chartset = UTF-8 server.index = x.x.x.160:8383 server.search = x.x.x.160:8384 使用 Index.php -p t...
... {return} array 可用于高亮显示的词条列表 源码: sdk/php/lib/XSSearch.class.php#L515 (显示) public function terms($query = null, $convert = true){ $query = $query === null ? '' : $this->preQueryString($query); if ($query === '' && $this->_terms !== null) { $ret ...
...turn} XSSearch 返回对象本身以支持串接操作 源码: sdk/php/lib/XSSearch.class.php#L98 (显示) public function setCutOff($percent, $weight = 0){ $percent = max(0, min(100, intval($percent))); $weight = max(0, (intval($weight * 10) & 255)); $cmd = new XSCommand(XS_CMD_SE...
...关数据,就是搜不到。 require_once '/usr/local/xunsearch/sdk/php/lib/XS.php'; $xs = new XS('zl'); $index = $xs->index; $doc = new XSDocument; $conn=mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "111111") or die("Could not connect: " . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db('zi, $conn) or die ('Can...
... 2. 新增支持项目自定义词库,[url=http://www.xunsearch.com/doc/php/guide/index.dict]参见文档[/url] 3. 改进网络 IO 读取,优化搜索内存运用等大幅提升性能和稳定性 4. 净化服务端日志使记录更有价值 5. 改进 util.Indexer 和 util.Quest 加入 --inf...
oh 谢谢!我试试[hr] require_once '/mnt/search/sdk/php/lib/XS.php'; $xs = new XS('test'); $skey = $_GET["skey"]; $search = $xs->search; $docs = $search->setQuery($skey."type:1")->search(); print_r($docs); 已经 [type] type = string index = self 了 但是搜索不到什么 改成...
...令行建索引使用xcache,会抛异常 [XSErrorException] ../lib/XS.php(431): xcache_get(): xcache.var_size is either 0 or too small to enable var data caching(2) #0 [internal function]: xs_error_handler(2, 'xcache_get(): x...', '/usr/local/xuns...', 431, Array) 如果只是缓存配置文...
...正在追踪中,请大家耐心等待。 有用户反映偶尔通过php调用会出现502之类的错误。 我写过一段这样bash shell 脚本,大概原理是: 每隔几秒去请求搜索页面,据返还结果确定是否需要重启,重启后再查检查, 如果连续N次都...