
大约有 60 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 3,513 项。 (搜索耗时:0.0081秒)

31.导入 mysql 数据源的问题

更新时间:2011-09-20 16:09 t By tisswb

... XSServer->__construct(8383, Object(XS)) #4 ../phplib/XS.php(222): XS->getIndex() #5 ../phputil/Indexer.php(121): XSComponent->__get('index') #6 {main} 连接局域网内其他主机mysql是出的错误 命令如下: util/Indexer.php -p discuz --source=mysql://aaa:bbb@ --sql...

32.RE: 有关关联索引的问题

发布时间:2012-09-22 16:09 t By zspoplar

...下终端(ssh中执行的)语句:/usr/local/xunsearch/sdk/php/util/Indexer.php --rebuild --source=mysql://root:111111@localhost/dbo --sql="select * from user" --project=sokc,怎么写php脚本(类似后台的东西)达到同样的建立索引效果呢?

33.Demo项目运行失败:[XSException] /XSDataSource.class.php(376): Can not open input file: ''

发布时间:2014-11-15 02:11 t By yanyun

util/RequiredCheck.php测试已通过 这是问题情况: # util/Indexer.php --source=csv --clean demo X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.0 Content-type: text/html 清空现有索引数据 ... 初始化数据源 ... csv [XSException] /XSDataSource.class.php(376): Can not open input file: '' #0 XSData...


发布时间:2013-05-11 15:05 t By hq22

php util/Indexer.php demo --rebuild --source="mysql://root:password@localhost/db" --sql="select * from post" 提示完成,但是搜索时候有一段时间是搜不到数据的。过一会才能搜到数据。没有更新前是能搜到数据的。 rebuild不是说平稳过度吗?是什么原...

35.体验 DEMO 项目

...入索引数据,请先按以下方式操: ~~~ cd $prefix/sdk/php util/Indexer.php --source=csv --clean demo ~~~ 然后脚本会给出如下提示: ~~~ 初始化数据源 ... csv WARNING: input file not specified, read data from 开始批量导入数据 ... ~~~ 然后我们测试输入下...


更新时间:2014-02-25 10:02 t By 情雨轩

...这样写的 project.name = test project.default_charset = utf-8 server.index = 8383 server.search = 8384 当我执行 util/Indexer.php --source=csv --clean test 时候提示下面错误 求解 [XSException] ../../../../usr/local/xunsearch/sdk/php/lib/XS.php(2448): Failed to recv the data ...

37.RE: 配置的时候端口8383错误

发布时间:2014-02-25 11:02 t By 情雨轩

project.name = test project.default_charset = utf-8 server.index = server.search = 我将配置文件修改成下面这样 执行以下还是不行和http:// 输入的时候 显示 It works! [root@localhost x...


发布时间:2014-08-30 22:08 t By qiuxis

... cd $prefix bin/xs-ctl.sh restart 显示: INFO: stopping server[xs-indexd] (BIND: .... [OK] INFO: re-starting server[xs-indexd] ... (BIND: INFO: stopping server[xs-searchd] (BIND: .... [OK] INFO: re-starting server[xs-searchd] ... (BIND:127.0.0...


发布时间:2014-08-30 22:08 t By qiuxis

... cd $prefix bin/xs-ctl.sh restart 显示: INFO: stopping server[xs-indexd] (BIND: .... [OK] INFO: re-starting server[xs-indexd] ... (BIND: INFO: stopping server[xs-searchd] (BIND: .... [OK] INFO: re-starting server[xs-searchd] ... (BIND:127.0.0...


更新时间:2011-12-26 16:12 t By assad

...件 [php] project.name = myblog project.default_charset = utf-8 server.index = 8383 server.search = 8384 [ID] type = id phrase = yes [author] index = self [post_content] type = body [post_title] type = title [post_date] type = numeric index = self [category] index = se...

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