[quote='hightman' pid='2044' dateline='1356774087'] 你的这次搜索请求超时了默认是5秒吧 [/quote] 我也是这样 我都设置了setTimeout(0) 求解!!!!!!!!!1
...据库里面有这个关键词的 $xs = new XS('question'); $search = $xs->search; $index = $xs->index; $query = '健身'; // 这里的搜索语句很简单,就一个短语 $search->setQuery($query); // 设置搜索语句 $search->addWeight('title', '运动'); /...
... [php] $xs = new XS('demo'); // 建立 XS 对象,项目名称为:demo $search=$xs->search; $search->setAutoSynonyms(true); $index->addSynonym('搜索','检索'); $index->addSynonym('搜索','查找'); [/php] 然后查看是否成功 [php] $xs = new XS('demo'); // 建立 XS 对象,项目名称...
...情况下,显示的total为 310条 [code]# php Quest.php ~/dev/config/search/question.ini --query="answered:0 AND (status:0 OR status:1)" --limit 120,30|head -n 1 在 1,525 条数据中,大约有 310 条包含 answered:0 AND (status:0 OR status:1) ,第 121-150 条,用时:0.0234 秒。 ...
... = string [/code] 搜索代码: [code] $xs = new XS('data.ini'); $search = $xs->getSearch(); $query = $fields['query']; $from = $fields['from']; $to = $fields['to']; $search->setQuery($query); $search->addRange('use_year', $from , $to); $docs = $search->search(); print_r($search->co...
...个demo项目,搜索的时候显示: 错误:Object id #9 打印出search.php捕获到的异常,显示 [XSException] ../../../../../usr/local/xunsearch/sdk/php/lib/XS.php(2165): Failed to recv the data from server completely (SIZE:0/8, REASON:closed) #0 /usr/local/xunsearch/sdk/php/lib/...
...th tokenizer = full 2. 导入相关数据 require_once '/usr/local/xunsearch/sdk/php/lib/XS.php'; $xs = new XS('goods'); $data = array( 'goods_id' => 112, 'goods_name' => 'hello my goodsname', 'goods_sn' => 'RX8899-114' ); $doc = new XSDocument; $doc->setFields($...
o,字打错了,我在自己的测试应用里(xunsearch 1.0.1正式版),用searchskel生成的search代码搜索第一个字母为大写英文字母的关键字时,高亮显示没有了(搜索记录是正确的),第一个字母小写时高亮有的。 http://www.xunsearch.com/search?...
我索引的时候有个字段 type 0为新闻 1为产品 现在如何 where type=1这样的啊? $docs = $search->setQuery($skey)->addWeight('title', $skey)->search(); 这里不知道怎么写?
project.name = product_search2 server.index = server.search = [sales_id] type = id index = both [title] type = title 这是索引文件。