
大约有 30 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 3,513 项。 (搜索耗时:0.0071秒)


发布时间:2014-03-12 17:03 t By 情雨轩

xunsearch搜索的时候右边出现的几种分类是怎么实现的? [name] //分类名 index = self [cid] //分类id type = numeric index = none 在搜索页面 $search->setFacets('name'); //得到分面搜索数据 // get the result $search_begin = microtime(true); $docs = $sea...

12.RE: Overflow bug

发布时间:2010-12-31 11:12 t By hovea

... memset((void *)((char *)buf + len), 0, 1); } /* recursive to search the matched record */ --- 52,59 ---- { memcpy(buf, x->fmap + off, len); } ! /* hightman.101230: fixed overflow, thanks to hovea on bbs */ ! //memset((void *)((char *)...


search() 方法 public XSDocument[] search(string $query=NULL, boolean $saveHighlight=true) $query string 搜索语句, 若传入 null 使用默认语句, 最大长度为 80 字节 $saveHighlight boolean 是否存储查询词用于高亮处理, 默认为 true {return} XS...


...return} array 返回搜索词组成的数组 源码: sdk/php/lib/XSSearch.class.php#L707 (显示) public function getRelatedQuery($query = null, $limit = 6){ $ret = array(); $limit = max(1, min(20, intval($limit))); // Simple to disable query with field filter if ($query === nul...


更新时间:2012-11-25 20:11 t By chinapubmed



更新时间:2014-04-28 17:04 t By proudxu

调用 getExpandedQuery方法出现异常 Unexpected respond in search {CMD:129, ARG:515} 某些词语(极少比列),不会出现异常。 重新向log_db导入词汇,不能消除异常;删除log_db,重新导入词汇,生成新log_db后,异常会立即消除,但一段时间...


...return} array 返回搜索词组成的数组 源码: sdk/php/lib/XSSearch.class.php#L755 (显示) public function getExpandedQuery($query, $limit = 10){ $ret = array(); $limit = max(1, min(20, intval($limit))); try { $buf = XS::convert($query, 'UTF-8', $this->_charset); ...


更新时间:2011-12-01 22:12 t By 五岳之巅

[root@sm ~]# cd /usr/local/xunsearch/ [root@sm xunsearch]# ls bin data etc include lib sdk share tmp [root@sm xunsearch]# ./sdk/php/util/ Indexer.php Quest.php SearchSkel.php XSDataSource.class.php IniWizzard.php RequiredCheck.php skel/...

19.导入 mysql 数据源的问题

更新时间:2011-09-20 16:09 t By tisswb

... project.name = discuz project.charset = GBK server.index = 8383 server.search = 8384 [pid] type = id [fid] index = self tokenizer = full [tid] [first] index = self tokenizer = full [author] index = both [authorid] [subject] type = title [message] type = body [d...


更新时间:2014-02-25 10:02 t By 情雨轩

....name = test project.default_charset = utf-8 server.index = 8383 server.search = 8384 当我执行 util/Indexer.php --source=csv --clean test 时候提示下面错误 求解 [XSException] ../../../../usr/local/xunsearch/sdk/php/lib/XS.php(2448): Failed to recv the data from server completel...

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