
大约有 15 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 3,513 项。 (搜索耗时:0.0057秒)


更新时间:2012-05-18 09:05 t By myoula

...m pw_threads t left join pw_tmsgs tm on t.tid = tm.tid where t.ifcheck = 1 and t.fid != 0 and t.fid !=444 order by t.tid asc" --project=项目名 4 建立phpwind的索引队列 #建立队列表 mysql -uroot -p 你的phpwind数据库名 CREATE TABLE `mq` ( `mid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCR...

12.Xunsearch SDK for PHP

...', 'key2' ... ]; // 通过空格将多个查询条件连接 $condition = ['AND', 'key1', 'key2' ... ]; // 通过 AND 连接,转换为:key1 AND key2 $condition = ['OR', 'key1', 'key2' ... ]; // 通过 OR 连接 $condition = ['XOR', 'key1', 'key2' ... ]; // 通过 XOR 连接 $condition = ['NOT', ...

13.addWeight提权的问题 提不上去

更新时间:2013-08-22 13:08 t By beike228

...t($gNum,$startPage)->search(); //执行结果 Xapian::Query((疯:(pos=1) AND_MAYBE GD1))[hr] //输出结果 [0] => XSDocument Object ( [_data:XSDocument:private] => Array ( [gid] => 27490 [name] => 摩托车疯狂2 ...

14.RE: 求助:Indexer.php执行不了

更新时间:2012-12-11 11:12 t By gdtv

..._time from wp_posts where (post_status='publish' or post_status='pending') and post_type='post'" Indexer - 索引批量管理、导入工具 (xunsearch/1.3.3) 用法 /usr/local/xunsearch/sdk/php/util/Indexer.php [options] [-p|--project] [--file] 选项说明 --project= -p ...

15.SCWS - rules.ini 规则集配置文件

发布时间:2007-06-07 20:06 t By hightman

... C# R&B S.H.E P&B ; ; nostats ; [nostats] about all also an and any are as at be but by both can for from have here if in is it no not of on or our out that the this to up us ; ; 名字停用词表 ; [noname] :line = no 给的说对在和是被最...

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