
大约有 30 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 3,513 项。 (搜索耗时:0.0063秒)

11.RE: search时报错 ,请帮看看是哪的问题

发布时间:2012-12-25 10:12 t By benq81

...HP/Extend/Vendor/sdk/php/lib/XS.php(2087): Task is canceled due to timeout/error(S#514) 日志: 2012-12-25 10:19:08 worker1[11340] [sock:7] task canceld, run the cleanup (ZARG:0x7f6c775fdbf0) 2012-12-25 10:19:08 worker1[11340] [sock:7] quit, result error (CODE:514) 2012-12-25 10:19:08 worker1[...

12.RE: 无法打开类型为 xdb 数据文件 是什么问题?

发布时间:2011-10-14 02:10 t By xliuhao123

...t.xdb) failed. in D:\99dy\include\scws\xdb_r.class.php on line 44 Fatal error: 无法打开类型为 xdb 数据文件 `include/scws/dict/dict.xdb` in D:\99dy\include\scws\dict.class.php on line 155[/code] 是什么原因? [/quote] 我也遇到同样的问题了,配置都没问题的,...

13.RE: 无法打开类型为 xdb 数据文件 是什么问题?

发布时间:2012-10-05 18:10 t By 1185520774@qq.com

...t.xdb) failed. in D:\99dy\include\scws\xdb_r.class.php on line 44 Fatal error: 无法打开类型为 xdb 数据文件 `include/scws/dict/dict.xdb` in D:\99dy\include\scws\dict.class.php on line 155[/code] 是什么原因? [/quote] 我也遇到同样的问题了,配置都没问题的,...

14.RE: 测试环境运行了几天,昨天出现一个错误

发布时间:2011-12-25 00:12 t By KnightE

...840, SPARE:6, TOTAL:6) 2011-12-25 00:43:21 worker2[23769] [sock:7] xapian ERROR: Document 52122 not found 2011-12-25 00:43:21 worker2[23769] [sock:7] end the task from thread pool (RC:133, CONN:0x986840) 2011-12-25 00:43:21 worker2[23769] [sock:7] quit normally [/code]

15.RE: 第二次遇到无法重启的情况

发布时间:2012-03-30 09:03 t By KnightE

...einit the thread pool 2012-03-30 09:40:33 worker1[10982] [sock:8] unknown ERROR during executing task (CMD:66) 2012-03-30 09:40:33 worker1[10982] caught system exceptional signal[6], terminate immediately 2012-03-30 09:40:33 worker1[10982] deinit the thread pool 2012-03-30 09:40:33 worker1[10982...

16.RE: search时报错 ,请帮看看是哪的问题

发布时间:2012-12-10 13:12 t By benq81

...ception] ThinkPHP/Extend/Vendor/sdk/php/lib/XS.php(2087): Unknown Internal Error(S#600) 现在又报这个错误 我执行最新的程序后查看了下执行后的日志: 2012-12-10 13:39:13 worker1[17463] new connection (SOCK:7, IP:, BURST:1) 2012-12-10 13:39:13 worker1[17463] [sock:7] ...

17.Call to undefined function scws_has_words()

发布时间:2012-08-27 17:08 t By kill-all999

code: var_dump(scws_version()); scws_has_words($sh, $cutword); 打印输出: string(64) "SCWS (Module version:1.0.0, Library version:1.2.0) - by hightman" Fatal error: Call to undefined function scws_has_words() in /letv/data/www/cutword/index.php on line 15 求帮助

18.RE: 测试环境运行了几天,昨天出现一个错误

更新时间:2011-12-23 22:12 t By KnightE

...8c0, SPARE:6, TOTAL:6) 2011-12-23 22:23:23 worker3[23507] [sock:7] xapian ERROR: Document 143848 not found 2011-12-23 22:23:23 worker3[23507] [sock:7] end the task from thread pool (RC:133, CONN:0x7eff1c0008c0) 2011-12-23 22:23:23 worker3[23507] [sock:7] quit normally 2011-12-23 22:23:31 worker3...


更新时间:2012-11-25 20:11 t By chinapubmed

...mitted in /home/wwwroot/mesh/public_html/so/search.php on line 11 Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/usr/local/xunsearch/sdk/php/lib/XS.php' (include_path='.:/www/wdlinux/apache_php-5.2.17/lib/php') in /home/wwwroot/mesh/public_html/so/search.php on line 11[...


更新时间:2011-11-03 17:11 t By xjtdy888

... res, cur; char *text = "上海市"; if (!(s = scws_new())) { printf("error, can't init the scws_t!\n"); exit(-1); } scws_set_charset(s, "utf-8"); scws_set_dict(s, "/usr/local/etc/dict.utf8.xdb", SCWS_XDICT_XDB); scws_set_rule(s, "/usr/local/etc/rules.utf8.ini"); scws_set_multi(s , 1);...

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