
大约有 184 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 3,513 项。 (搜索耗时:0.0064秒)

151.安装出错,求助 failed to compile scws

发布时间:2013-03-22 11:03 t By hswddan

...ting libtool commands setup.sh: line 140: make: command not found ----- ERROR: failed to compile scws, see 'setup.log' for more detail [root@localhost xunsearch-full-1.4.3]#

152.RE: 请问从xunsearch-master源代码编译安装xunsearch,我总是报错

发布时间:2013-07-30 16:07 t By zhuaijay

...有configure生成了,我就运行./configure,结果显示 configure: error: Invalid xapian library, maybe not do the patch with scws?. 我是按照configure的显示错误一步步来说,说缺什么就装什么,我装了xapian-core ,请问这是什么问题?


更新时间:2011-08-08 17:08 t By 999

...使用scws_free(); 我使用时出现方法不存在的错误: Fatal error: Call to undefined function scws_free() in E:\website\test\index.php on line 27


更新时间:2010-11-24 17:11 t By 7color

..., php_scws.dll解压至extension_dir/目录. 可是依旧提示:Fatal error: Call to undefined function scws_new() ,请问这是什么原因呢,我在本地的Zendserver中配置 & 朋友wamp上测试都是加载不了,提示找不到函数.. ------------------------------ [php]$boolean = ...

155.RE: 测试环境运行了几天,昨天出现一个错误

发布时间:2011-12-25 00:12 t By KnightE

...840, SPARE:6, TOTAL:6) 2011-12-25 00:43:21 worker2[23769] [sock:7] xapian ERROR: Document 52122 not found 2011-12-25 00:43:21 worker2[23769] [sock:7] end the task from thread pool (RC:133, CONN:0x986840) 2011-12-25 00:43:21 worker2[23769] [sock:7] quit normally [/code]

156.新手提问 关于sdk的引用问题

更新时间:2012-12-21 16:12 t By gclinux

...ermission denied in /home/web/www.ziyouhu.com/xs-test.php on line 3 Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/xunsou/xunsearch/sdk/php/lib/XS.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php') in /home/web/www.ziyouhu.com/xs-test.php on line 3


更新时间:2012-12-18 15:12 t By HiLinz

程序中调用:$xs = new XS('demo');时出错如下: [XSErrorException] lib/XS.php(2210): stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource(2) #0 /usr/local/xunsearch/sdk/php/lib/XS.php(2210): xs_error_handler(2, 'stream_set_bloc...', '/usr/local/xuns...', 2210, Array) #1 ...


更新时间:2010-03-02 17:03 t By backluck

...言"; int i; if (!(s = scws_new())) { printf("error, can't init the scws_t!\n"); exit(-1); } scws_set_charset(s, "gbk"); scws_set_dict(s, "/usr/local/scws/etc/dict.xdb", SCWS_XDICT_XDB); scws_set_rule(s, "/usr/local/scw...

159.RE: [特别发布] 纯PHP编写的xdb词典导入导出工具!!

更新时间:2009-07-26 12:07 t By hightman

[quote='etbobhwang' pid='3283' dateline='1248344366'] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1046898225 bytes) in /var/www/html/search/dict/xdb.class.php on line 638 我也碰到同樣的問題,換一台主機依舊有問題 謝謝 ,問題是 638 ...

160.SCWS-1.1.9 没法分中文?

发布时间:2012-01-07 12:01 t By hejone

...玩, 我还听说过C#语言"; if (!(s = scws_new())) { printf("error, can't init the scws_t!\n"); exit(-1); } scws_set_charset(s, "gbk"); scws_set_dict(s, "/usr/local/scws/etc/dict.xdb", SCWS_XDICT_XDB); scws_set_rule(s, "/usr/local/scws/etc/rules.ini"); scws_send_te...

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