
大约有 124 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 3,513 项。 (搜索耗时:0.0072秒)


更新时间:2012-05-18 09:05 t By myoula

...ttp接口地址/' if row[2] == 0: url = url + 'add/' elif row[2] == 1: url = url + 'update/' else: url = url + 'del/' url = url + str(row[1]) try: code = urllib.urlopen(url).r...


发布时间:2012-05-22 17:05 t By dancebear

...OCK:8, IP:, BURST:2) 2012-05-22 16:17:05 worker3[21054] [sock:8] add new task (CONN:0xa1864d0, SPARE:6, TOTAL:6) 2012-05-22 16:17:05 worker3[21054] [sock:7] add new task (CONN:0xa185c58, SPARE:5, TOTAL:6) 2012-05-22 16:17:06 worker3[21054] caught system exceptional signal[11], terminate ...

113.RE: 1.1.2的 自定义字典无法使用

更新时间:2010-05-24 22:05 t By 逆雪寒

感谢hightman的认真对待. 我也按照你说的.打印了 add_dict 的返回数值..发现.就算在异常的情况下. 加载字典的返回值是 true的.但 get_result() 却返回 false; 是否会关 nginx 或 php-fpm 有关呢 ?? 我环境 是 centos5 nginx php-fpm 的[/code] ...

114.RE: 求助:Indexer.php执行不了

更新时间:2012-12-11 11:12 t By gdtv

... .php) 过滤器必须实现接口 XSDataFilter --add-synonym= 添加一个或多个同义词, 多个之间用半角逗号分隔, 原词和同义词之间用冒号分隔 --del-synonym= 删除一个或多个同义词, 多个之间用半...


...示) public function getIndex(){ if ($this->_index === null) { $adds = array(); $conn = isset($this->_config['server.index']) ? $this->_config['server.index'] : 8383; if (($pos = strpos($conn, ';')) !== false) { $adds = explode(';', substr($conn, $pos + 1)); ...

116.RE: 第二次遇到无法重启的情况

发布时间:2012-03-30 09:03 t By KnightE

...OCK:8, IP:, BURST:2) 2012-03-30 09:40:33 worker1[10982] [sock:8] add new task (CONN:0x13e5140, SPARE:6, TOTAL:6) 2012-03-30 09:40:33 worker1[10982] [sock:7] quit, closed by client 2012-03-30 09:40:33 ~master[7734] caught SIGINT, shutdown gracefully 2012-03-30 09:40:33 ~master[7734] broa...


更新时间:2013-04-10 10:04 t By swish

...T_XDB | SCWS_XDICT_MEM | SCWS_XDICT_TXT */ int __declspec(dllexport) scws_add_dict(scws_t s, const char *fpath, int mode); int __declspec(dllexport) scws_set_dict(scws_t s, const char *fpath, int mode); void __declspec(dllexport) scws_set_charset(scws_t s, const char *cs); void __declspec(dllexp...


发布时间:2014-09-02 00:09 t By tmmkkk

...ex data (DB:c_books.db, COUNT:984) 11:16:10 import[17312] ALERT finished (ADD:984, UPDATE:0, DELETE:0[0], SYNONYMS:0, PROC_TOTAL:984, DB_TOTAL:984, TIME:25'02") 2014-09-01 11:16:10 indexd[17233] NOTICE import exit (DB:c_books.db, FLAG:0x0000, PID:17312, EXIT:0) 2014-09-01 11:16:25 indexd[17233] N...


更新时间:2013-12-27 20:12 t By linqingtao

...-1); clen += (i - off - 1); } /* hightman.070813: add max zlen limit */ if (++zlen >= SCWS_MAX_ZLEN) break; }

120.A Completely New Losers Guide To Jordan shoes Simplified

更新时间:2014-04-03 02:04 t By jecyfffdry

... earplugs that provide a quieter level of sound without distorting it, she adds... [url=http://www.gfwcseminolejuniors.org/jordansshoesforwomen.htm]jordans shoes for women[/url] Saving your voice -- The same loud cheering that hurts others ears also can wreak havoc on your voice, according to Dr.. ...

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