
大约有 184 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 3,513 项。 (搜索耗时:0.0054秒)


发布时间:2011-10-24 21:10 t By tisswb

...多万条,索引到一大半的时候出错退出, 错误是PHP Fatal error:Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted。。。。。等 除了清空索引重新来以外,不知道还有没有其他继续的办法? 毕竟重新来一次的时间也不短哈!


更新时间:2012-02-11 10:02 t By flyfeng2

运行后Fatal error: Call to a member function add() on a non-object in c.php on line 14[hr] 另外 WARNING: no server[xs-indexd] is running (BIND: INFO: re-starting server[xs-indexd] ... (BIND: WARNING: no server[xs-searchd] is running (BIND: ...

103.安装失败!!!zlib.h not found 求助!

发布时间:2012-10-03 01:10 t By chz

安装的时候提示: configure: error: zlib.h not found - required for brass, chert and flint (you may need to install the zlib1g-dev or zlib-devel package) 我在执行sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev后还是不行!怎么办,搞了好久了!:(

104.无法打开类型为 xdb 数据文件 是什么问题?

发布时间:2010-08-28 12:08 t By luyinhu

今天换服务器上出现这个问题 [code]Warning: XDB::Open(dict.xdb) failed. in D:\99dy\include\scws\xdb_r.class.php on line 44 Fatal error: 无法打开类型为 xdb 数据文件 `include/scws/dict/dict.xdb` in D:\99dy\include\scws\dict.class.php on line 155[/code] 是什么原因?


发布时间:2012-09-30 10:09 t By 973432436

... 【错误日志:】 [29-Sep-2012 12:02:48] 致命的运行时错误(E_ERROR) Uncaught [XSException] ../../xunsearch/sdk/php/lib/XS.php(2204): Permission denied(C#13) thrown /var/www/xunsearch/sdk/php/lib/XS.php 2204

106.getExpandedQuery 出现错误

更新时间:2012-09-20 21:09 t By wst900528

...哥~ 在使用getExpandedQuery方法时出现下面的错误: Fatal error: Uncaught [XSException] ../../../../search/sdk/php/lib/XS.php(2094): Couldn't stat 'data/dream/log_db'(S#515) thrown in /search/sdk/php/lib/XS.php on line 2094 请问是怎么回事呢?谢谢[hr] [root@localhost ph...

107.RE: search时报错 ,请帮看看是哪的问题

更新时间:2012-12-11 11:12 t By benq81

顶,问题依旧存在,还是Failed to recv the data from server completely 错误[hr] 2012-12-11 11:30:05 worker3[5113] xapian ERROR: The revision being read has been discarded - you should call Xapian::Database::reopen() and retry the operation


发布时间:2007-07-05 16:07 t By xiaodi667

...ory in [b]E:\AppServ\www\ceshi\index.php[/b] on line [b]23[/b] [b]Fatal error[/b]: Call to undefined function: scws_new() in [b]E:\AppServ\www\ceshi\index.php[/b] on line [b]61[/b] [[i] 本帖最后由 xiaodi667 于 2007-7-5 16:23 编辑 [/i]]


...uery($sql); if ($res === false) { throw new XSException('SQLITE3 ERROR(#' . $this->obj->lastErrorCode() . '): ' . $this->obj->lastErrorMsg()); } if (!is_object($res)) { $ret = $res; } else { $ret = array(); while ($tmp = $res->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) { ...

110.RE: 目前测试了以下操作系统 (最后更新2011/9/23 17:29)

更新时间:2011-09-27 11:09 t By hpxl

Freebsd 8.0-RELEASE 测试成功。如果碰到如下错误:configure:error: scws_new() NOT found in libscws, please check it first 请参考下面帖子:[url]http://bbs.xunsearch.com/showthread.php?tid=7[/url]

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