.../lib/XSServer.class.php#L438 (显示) protected function check(){ if ($this->_sock === null) { throw new XSException('No server connection'); } if ($this->_flag & self::BROKEN) { throw new XSException('Broken server connection'); }} 检测服务端的连接情况
...s.php#L387 (显示) public function getDefaultCharset(){ return isset($this->_config['project.default_charset']) ? strtoupper($this->_config['project.default_charset']) : 'UTF-8';} 获取项目的默认字符集
...strlen($buf)) == 0) { return true; } // loop to send data $this->check(); while (true) { $bytes = fwrite($this->_sock, $buf, $len); if ($bytes === false || $bytes === 0 || $bytes === $len) { break; } $len -= $bytes; $buf = substr($buf,...
...ipos($fpath, '.txt') !== false ? SCWS_XDICT_TXT : SCWS_XDICT_XDB; } $this->_setting['set_dict'] = new XSCommand(XS_CMD_SEARCH_SCWS_SET, XS_CMD_SCWS_SET_DICT, $mode, $fpath); unset($this->_setting['add_dict']); return $this;} 设置分词词典, 支持 TXT/XDB 格式
...XSDataSource.class.php#L287 (显示) protected function deinit(){ if ($this->fd) { fclose($this->fd); $this->fd = null; }} getDataList() 方法 protected void getDataList() 源码: sdk/php/util/XSDataSource.class.php#L295 (显示) protected function getDataLi...
...s.php#L331 (显示) public function beforeSubmit(XSIndex $index){ if ($this->_charset === null) { $this->_charset = $index->xs->getDefaultCharset(); } return true;} 重写接口, 在文档提交到索引服务器前调用 继承此类进行重写该方法时, 必须调用 parent...
...ICT_TXT', 4); } } if ($arg !== null && $arg !== '') { $this->setMulti($arg); }} 构造函数 初始化用于分词的搜索服务端
...row new XSException('Value of range is too long'); } $vno = $this->xs->getField($field)->vno; $from = XS::convert($from, 'UTF-8', $this->_charset); $to = XS::convert($to, 'UTF-8', $this->_charset); if ($from === null) { $cmd = new XSCommand(XS_CMD_QUERY_...
...til/XSDataSource.class.php#L211 (显示) protected function deinit(){ $this->db->close();} getCharset() 方法 public mixed getCharset() {return} mixed 如果数据库不支持 UTF-8 转换则返回 false 源码: sdk/php/util/XSDataSource.class.php#L138 (显示) publi...
...ib/XSSearch.class.php#L227 (显示) public function setQuery($query){ $this->clearQuery(); if ($query !== null) { $this->_query = $query; $this->addQueryString($query); } return $this;} 设置默认搜索语句 用于不带参数的 count 或 search 以及 terms 调用...