
大约有 25 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 3,513 项。 (搜索耗时:0.0053秒)

1.FreeBSD编译scws提示ld cannot find lscws解决办法

发布时间:2010-10-04 21:10 t By Dull

ln -s /usr/local/scws/lib/libscws.so.2.0 /usr/local/scws/lib/libscws.so 编译很顺利,就遇到这一个问题:D

2.RE: FreeBSD编译scws提示ld cannot find lscws解决办法

发布时间:2010-10-08 08:10 t By hightman



发布时间:2012-12-12 15:12 t By lyling8888

configure: error: *** You need a working C++ compiler to compile Xapian, but configure failed to *** find one. If you have a working C++ compiler, you can tell configure where *** to find it by invoking it like so: *** *** ./configure CXX=/opt/bin/c++

4.RE: 安装错误 请求支援

更新时间:2012-05-18 12:05 t By dancebear

You need a working C++ compiler to compile Xapian, but configure failed to *** find one. If you have a working C++ compiler, you can tell configure where *** to find it by invoking it like so: 搜索下错误提示似乎是你没装c++的编译器

5.回复 #1 hightman 的帖子

发布时间:2007-06-20 09:06 t By bacchant

奇怪,运行不成功? 我在/home/zz/libcws下编译了libscws.a 然后执行gcc -o test -I/home/zz/libscws -L/home/zz/libcws test.c -lscws 提示: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lscws collect2: ld returned 1 exit status 是什么地方出错了?

6.getAllSynonyms 当我同义词库上100W

更新时间:2014-04-23 11:04 t By zhouaini528

... 你好 ) [search] => Array ( [0] => find [1] => seek ) 我要获取search 下面的同义词 每次都要全部获取 内存直线上升

7.ubuntu 11.04 编译出错

发布时间:2012-07-01 10:07 t By fuxiang90

gcc -o test -I/usr/local/scws/include/scws -L /usr/local/scws/lib test.c -lscws -Wl,--rpath -Wl, /usr/local/scws/lib /usr/bin/ld: cannot find /usr/local/scws/lib: File format not recognized collect2: ld returned 1 exit status Hightman 能否解决下?

8.RE: 在windows下使用检测工具得到warning的解决方法

发布时间:2012-03-07 22:03 t By yunxiaoad2

php -i | find ".ini",加个点,得到的信息纯一些

9.RE: 在windows下使用检测工具得到warning的解决方法

发布时间:2012-03-05 10:03 t By hightman

不好意思,在win 下应该是 php.exe -i | find "ini"


发布时间:2014-09-02 00:09 t By tmmkkk

...ta/, STAT_TAG:2014-W35) 2014-09-01 11:42:16 indexd[17233] ERROR failed to find db by pid (PID:17370) 2014-09-01 12:13:42 indexd[17233] NOTICE import exit (DB:c_books.db, FLAG:0x0000, PID:17352, EXIT:-2) 2014-09-01 12:13:51 indexd[17233] NOTICE [sock:7] auto commit (DB:c_books.db, COUNT:8892) 201...

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