...okenizer =coupon $search->setQuery( '(b_split_title:宠物 OR 宠物 ) AND b_city_id:31')->setlimit(1000000)->setFacets('b_tag_id')->search(); 打印: Xapian::Query(((or:(pos=1) AND 宠物:(pos=2) AND and:(pos=3) AND (b_city_id:(pos=4) PHRASE 2 31:(pos=5))) FILTER C宠物)) 但是 如果...
...ght('downLevel', 'g', 7) 调试发现查询语句有这么一段: ...AND_MAYBE 2 * Nb) AND_MAYBE 3 * Nc) AND_MAYBE 4 * Nd) AND_MAYBE 5 * Ne) AND_MAYBE 6 * Nf) AND_MAYBE 7 * Ng)) 但是问题是,addWeight有时有效,有时失效,重启服务器也没有解决, 希望大家提供...
...4== Memcheck, a memory error detector. ==30624== Copyright (C) 2002-2006, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==30624== Using LibVEX rev 1658, a library for dynamic binary translation. ==30624== Copyright (C) 2004-2006, and GNU GPL'd, by OpenWorks LLP. ==30624== Using valgrind-3.2.1-Debian, a...
查询业务类似于 (filed1:1 or filed1:2 or filed1:3)and (filed2:1 or filed2:2 or filed2:3) and (filed3:1 or filed3:2 or filed3:3) 使用setQuery 出现异常 DATA/NAME too long 最后使用addQueryString拼装语句的方式 但是如上所述的逻辑根本无法达到括号中...
...“管理制度”这样的长词将转换成 “管理制度 OR (管理 AND 制度)” 更为合理有效 3. Xapian 将同步升级至 1.2.8 4. 优化 searchd 子进程的定期、定量清理功能,防止内存泄露和其它不稳定因素。 5. 改进 xunsearch 的日志,去掉不必要...
...搜索词、名子连接起来的方式最为常用。内部默认采用 `AND` 规则, 也就是说要求列出来的关键词(分词之后)全部匹配,如果您通过 [XSSearch::setFuzzy] 开启了模糊匹配,那么相当于采用 `OR` 规则,只要其中一个关键词匹配即可...
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...样的 是不是要清空后用add ?[hr] Xapian::Query((新闻:(pos=1) AND (type:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 1:(pos=3)))) 这样 但是木有数据
...ach, the Republican said he spent his four days meeting with entrepreneurs and business leaders and held a reception for more than 200 California companies that have expressed interest in moving to Texas. Such relocations can take time, but Perry also offered no details on prospects, much less concr...
...[0-9a-z]{2,2})/i')) Header('Location: /'); 3、继续搜索词过滤 AND OR如果位于检索词末端,默认是返回所有结果集,我的做法简单又暴力,直接干掉,测试结果http://www.xunsearch.com/demo/search.php?q=hello+AND&f=_all&s=relevance http://www.xunsearch.com...