
大约有 6 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 3,513 项。 (搜索耗时:0.0053秒)


... $port); if ($this->obj->connect_error) { throw new XSException("Can not connect to mysql server: '$user@$host'"); } if (!$this->obj->select_db($param['dbname'])) { $this->close(); throw new XSException("Can not switch to database name: '{$param['dbname']}'"); } $...


...l_connect($host, $user, $pass)) === false) { throw new XSException("Can not connect to mysql server: '$user@$host'"); } if (!mysql_select_db($param['dbname'], $this->link)) { $this->close(); throw new XSException("Can not switch to database name: '{$param['dbname']}'"); ...


... $port); if ($this->obj->connect_error) { throw new XSException("Can not connect to mysql server: '$user@$host'"); } if (!$this->obj->select_db($param['dbname'])) { $this->close(); throw new XSException("Can not switch to database name: '{$param['dbname']}'"); } $...


...l_connect($host, $user, $pass)) === false) { throw new XSException("Can not connect to mysql server: '$user@$host'"); } if (!mysql_select_db($param['dbname'], $this->link)) { $this->close(); throw new XSException("Can not switch to database name: '{$param['dbname']}'"); ...


发布时间:2011-10-28 08:10 t By ixulf

...5.180:8383, PID:3961) 查看indexd.log: 2011-10-27 15:24:05 indexd[3961] can not get db by pid (PID:8501) 2011-10-27 16:35:55 indexd[3961] caught system signal[15], terminate immediately 2011-10-27 16:35:55 indexd[3961] server terminated, force to check commit for all db pid:3961是昨天的进...


...SFieldMeta::TYPE_STRING) { throw new XSException("Field `$name' cann't be used for facets search, can only be string type"); } $buf .= chr($ff->vno); } $cmd = array('cmd' => XS_CMD_SEARCH_SET_FACETS, 'buf' => $buf); $cmd['arg1'] = $exact === true ? 1 : 0; $this->...

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