...搜不出。搜索/却出来全部结果 [id] type = id [user] index = both tokenizer = none [zh] index = both tokenizer = none [dh] index = both tokenizer = none ~ [hr] [quote='子不语' pid='5115' dateline='1384100404'] 我就想使用普通的搜索功能,但是搜索任何...
... 8383 server.search = 8384 [goods_id] type = id [cat_ids] index = both [goods_name] type = title index = both [goods_desc] type = body phrase = no index = both tokenizer = default [goods_thumb_list] index = none [shop_price] type = numeric index = none [order_nu...
... 8383 server.search = 8384 [goods_id] type = id [cat_ids] index = both [goods_name] type = title index = both [goods_desc] type = body phrase = no index = both tokenizer = default [goods_thumb_list] index = none [shop_price] type = numeric index = none [order_nu...
...rch = 8384 [music_id] type = id [music_name] type = title index = both [message] type = body cutlen = 500 [singer] type = string index = both [company] type = string index = none [album_name] type = string index = both weight = 2 [gmt_create] type = numeric in...
...rch = 8384 [music_id] type = id [music_name] type = title index = both [message] type = body cutlen = 500 [singer] type = string index = both [company] type = string index = none [album_name] type = string index = both weight = 2 [gmt_create] type = numeric index =...
...集题标都是唯一 type = title;我可以设置为string? index = both;如果type = title 请问我可以设置为self吗? tokenizer = default;默认scws分词器 cutlen = 0 weight = 5 phrase = no;关闭精确检索 non_bool = no;要实现默认的匹配度排序 我需要yes这个? ...
...r.search = [id] type=id [title] type=title index=both [content] type = body index = mixed [lv1] index = self tokenizer = full [lv2] index = self tokenizer = full [lv3] index = self tokenizer = full [school_id] index = self tokenizer = full [sort]...
...区索引,不标明字段的默认搜索也可以检索本字段 - both 相当于 self + mixed,两种情况均索引 通常情况默认值为 none ,但 id 型字段默认是 self ,title 型字段是 both ,body 型字段则固定为 mixed 。 ~~~ index = none ~~~ ###...
... = article project.default_charset = UTF-8 [aid] type = id [title] type = both [smalltitle] type = string [copyfrom] type = string [totalhit] type = string [keywords] type = string [sendtime] type = numeric 在添加索引时,文档中有说会自动转码,所以所有字段都不需要用...
...s ; [nostats] about all also an and any are as at be but by both can for from have here if in is it no not of on or our out that the this to up us ; ; 名字停用词表 ; [noname] :line = no 给的说对在和是被最所那这有将 就你会与他为...