
大约有 20 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 3,513 项。 (搜索耗时:0.0047秒)

1.RE: 安装失败,求帮忙

发布时间:2012-12-12 18:12 t By xspwmd

安装c++ compiler ,例如gcc或者g++ sudo apt-get install g++

2.RE: 安装失败,求帮忙

发布时间:2012-12-13 11:12 t By chinapubmed

建议看下这个帖子: http://bbs.xunsearch.com/showthread.php?tid=765 偶是安装前,基本把论坛的几百个帖子都扫了一遍的。:P

3.RE: scws1.1.7 安装失败

发布时间:2011-05-25 11:05 t By iranw

谢谢 我再试试

4.RE: scws1.1.7 安装失败

发布时间:2011-05-25 15:05 t By iranw

问题已经解决 谢谢 hightman :blush::rolleyes::shy:

5.RE: scws1.1.7 安装失败

发布时间:2011-05-21 14:05 t By hightman

你应该进入 scws-1.1.7/phpext/ 目录运行 phpize 啊

6.RE: scws1.1.7 安装失败

发布时间:2011-05-24 00:05 t By hightman



发布时间:2012-12-12 15:12 t By lyling8888

configure: error: *** You need a working C++ compiler to compile Xapian, but configure failed to *** find one. If you have a working C++ compiler, you can tell configure where *** to find it by invoking it like so: *** *** ./configure CXX=/opt/bin/c++


发布时间:2013-06-04 10:06 t By billowliu2


9.RE: 安装失败!!!zlib.h not found 求助!

发布时间:2012-10-08 10:10 t By hightman

你看一看 /usr/include/zlib.h 是否存在呢?还有,要重新configure

10.scws1.1.7 安装失败

更新时间:2011-05-21 11:05 t By iranw

你好 我在centos上安装时候失败 下面是我的安装过程 wget http://www.ftphp.com/scws/down/scws-1.1.7.tar.bz2 tar jxvf scws-1.1.7.tar.bz2 cd scws-1.1.7 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/scws-1.1.7 make make install ls -al /usr/local/scws-1.1.7/lib/libscws.la /usr/local/sc...

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