...t[$body] = $doc->f($type); } $this->restoreDb(); } catch (XSException $e) { if ($e->getCode() != XS_CMD_ERR_XAPIAN) { throw $e; } } $this->xs->restoreScheme(); return $ret;} 获取热门搜索词列表
... 是生成好的代码,我测试的时候报的这个错。 错误:[XSException] sdk/php/lib/XS.php(2008): Permission denied(C#13) 我把sdk这个目录复制到了我的web站点下,给了777的权限还报这个错误。求解。 [/quote] 这是 fsockopen 返回的错误,无权限...
...$ret) == $limit) { break; } } } catch (XSException $e) { if ($e->getCode() != XS_CMD_ERR_XAPIAN) { throw $e; } } $this->restoreDb(); $this->xs->restoreScheme(); $this->_defaultOp = $op; return $ret;} 获取相关搜索...
... $msg .= ' property: ' . get_class($this) . '::$' . $name; throw new XSException($msg);} 魔术方法 __get 取得模拟属性的值, 内部实际调用 getXxx 方法的返回值
...篇,1314336168 INFO: reach end of file or error occured, total lines: 3 [XSException] lib/XS.php(1832): Failed to open file(S#513) #0 ../phplib/XS.php(1089): XSServer->execCommand(Array, 250) #1 ../phplib/XS.php(1094): XSIndex->addExdata('????????1??????...') #2 ../phplib/XS.php(1100): XSIndex-...
... $msg .= ' property: ' . get_class($this) . '::$' . $name; throw new XSException($msg);} 魔术方法 __set 设置模拟属性的值, 内部实际是调用 setXxx 方法
... $xs = XS::getLastXS(); if ($xs === null) { throw new XSException('An XS instance should be created before using ' . __CLASS__); } self::$_server = $xs->getScwsServer(); self::$_server->setTimeout(0); self::$_charset = $xs->getDefaultCharset(); ...
...eline='1327926055'] [quote='xsxs89757' pid='460' dateline='1327889252'] [XSException] ../../../../usr/local/xunse/sdk/php/lib/XS.php(1464): Unexpected respond in search {CMD:129, ARG:514} 还是该错误 已更新和设置 无法解决 [/quote] 这个错是数据库没有准备就绪吧...
...篇,1314336168 INFO: reach end of file or error occured, total lines: 3 [XSException] lib/XS.php(1832): Failed to open file(S#513) #0 ../phplib/XS.php(1089): XSServer->execCommand(Array, 250) #1 ../phplib/XS.php(1094): XSIndex->addExdata('????????1??????...') #2 ../phplib/XS.php(1100): XSIndex-...
... if ($ff->type !== XSFieldMeta::TYPE_STRING) { throw new XSException("Field `$name' cann't be used for facets search, can only be string type"); } $buf .= chr($ff->vno); } $cmd = array('cmd' => XS_CMD_SEARCH_SET_FACETS, 'buf' => $buf); $cmd['arg1'] = $exact =...