...ch/sdk/php/util/Quest.php -p demo -c gbk -q 桌面 --limit=2 返回 Object id #10 0 ../lib/XS.php(2246): XSServer->read(8) 1 ../lib/XS.php(2231): XSServer->getRespond() 2 ../lib/XS.php(2208): XSServer->execCommand(Array, 201) 3 ../lib/XS.php(2169): XSServer->setProject('cms_51cto') 4 ../lib/X...
...il/Indexer.php --source=mysql://root:root@ --sql="SELECT id, uid FROM test" --project="/var/xunsearch/sdk/php/app/person.ini" 开始批量导入数据 (请直接输入数据) ... 完成索引导入:成功 338 条,失败 0 条 刷新索引提交 ... 以前还好是来着 今...
...tensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/scws.so: undefined symbol: core_globals_id in Unknown on line 0[/code] 还是这个问题!无法解决! libscws已经安装成功! 安装php扩展: 1. 执行phpize信息: [code]Configuring for: PHP Api Version: 20090626 Zend Module Api N...
[quote='hpxl' pid='116' dateline='1319506745'] 500万条数据可以分段来读取,比如每次10000条,就不会出现上面的php错误了。判断是不是某条数据是不是已经存在了,可以根据主键来判断是不是已存在,存在的跳过就可以了。例如: [php]$qu...
...-8 server.index = server.search = [tid] type = id [fid] index = self tokenizer = full [author] [authorid] index = self tokenizer = full [postdate] tokenizer = full [subject] type = title [content] type = body #导入 php util/Indexer.php --rebuild --sour...
...tp://www.xunsearch.com/scws/ [3]: http://bbs.xunsearch.com/showthread.php?tid=749&pid=1556 $Id$
...:添加第 35000 条数据失败 - Missing value of primarky key (FIELD:pid) #0 /usr/local/xunsearch/sdk/php/util/Indexer.php(195): XSIndex->update(Object(XSDocument)) sql语句: sql="select c.contentid,c.status,b.contentid from phpcms_content c,phpcms_c_news b where c.contentid=b.contentid...
...字段含义依次表示 “词语”,“词频(TF)”,“逆词频率(IDF)”,“词性(ATTR)” - 后面三个字段如果省略依次使用 scws 的默认值 - 特殊词性 `!` 可用于表示删除该词 - 自定义词典优先于内置词典加载和使用,以 # 开头的行为注...
...某次扛压实验结果: ---------- SERVER INFO BEGIN ---------- { id:worker3, uptime:3623, num_burst:1, max_burst:132, num_accept:194989(53.8/s), num_task:1083121(299.0/s), sock:7, name:"demo", home:"data/demo", rcv_size:8, flag:0x0000, version:"1.4.7" } ---------- SERVER INFO ...
...找到与我一样的错误。 http://www.hightman.cn/bbs/showthread.php?tid=3295 运行出错 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' required = '',disallowed = '', can_leave_domain=0 where ...