
大约有 180 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 3,513 项。 (搜索耗时:0.0055秒)

31.RE: 当搜索不设置关键字的时候,type = numeric 的字段会乱码

发布时间:2014-04-11 10:04 t By hightman

ini配置不对吧,你放心的用 $doc->from 取值吧,会自动转的

32.当搜索不设置关键字的时候,type = numeric 的字段会乱码

发布时间:2014-04-10 18:04 t By sundyandy

...手工改成 $docs = $search->setQuery(NULL)->search(); 结果中所有type = numeric 的字段都会乱码, [from] => � [buy_stat] => � [sell_stat] => � [collect_stat] => � 求: 1.什么方法可以列出所有文档? 2.什么方法可以改变乱码?

33.RE: 如何按分类搜索啊

更新时间:2012-02-21 16:02 t By flyfeng2

...= $_GET["skey"]; $search = $xs->search; $docs = $search->setQuery($skey."type:1")->search(); print_r($docs); 已经 [type] type = string index = self 了 但是搜索不到什么 改成 $docs = $search->setQuery($skey)->search(); 就可以 type这个我读出来是 "0" 和"1" 没错[...

34.数据导入 乱码问题

发布时间:2011-11-25 17:11 t By vist2007

...ex = server.search = [tblog_entry_id] type = id [content] type = string index = both [user_id] type = numeric index = self tokenizer = full [post_time] type = numeric index = self tokenizer = full [forward] type = numeric index = self t...


更新时间:2012-06-08 19:06 t By ywg_713

[color=#FF0000]demo.ini[/color] ----------------------------- project.name = demo project.default_charset = utf-8 server.index = 8383 server.search = 8384 [pid] type = id [subject] type = title [message] type = body [chrono] type = numeric

36.RE: [HELP]xunsearch安装好了,搜索没有结果集。。。

发布时间:2011-10-19 16:10 t By hpxl

字段设计有点问题。当type为string,没有指明index索引方式是是不分词的。 [title] type=string index=both 和 [title] type=title 这两个字段设计效果一样。同样content,类型也有问题,可以这样 [content] type=body 或者 [content] type=string index=mixed 具...


更新时间:2014-06-05 20:06 t By phpqinsir

...与配送范围 配送范围以特殊格式放到标题后面 [goods_id] type = id ; 商品名称 [goods_name] type = title index = both ; 商品分类 [cat_id] type = string index = mixed tokenizer = default ; 销售数量 [sales_amount] type = numeric index = self ; 价格...


发布时间:2014-12-25 14:12 t By sa1nt

...lt_charset = utf-8 server.index = 8383 server.search = 8384 [sub_ID] type = id [sub_title] type = title [sub_edition] type = title [sub_text] type = body [sub_date] type = numeric 于是使用php进行测试,代码如下 没有显示任何结果 data目录下...

39.RE: 搜索骨架代码测试时报错

发布时间:2011-10-17 16:10 t By mengfanchao

...fault_charset = utf-8 server.index = 8383 server.search = 8384 [pid] type = id [subject] type = title [message] type = body [chrono] type = numeric 另外fsockopen() 报 fsockopen(): unable to connect to localhost:8384 (Permission denied)(2)

40.RE: 在执行demo的时候出现这个事什么原因?Undefined data source type: `test.csv'

发布时间:2014-02-25 10:02 t By hightman

基本用法都 不正确 ,看看手册吧 --source=csv --file=test.csv

  • 时间不限
  • 按相关性排序