
大约有 106 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 3,513 项。 (搜索耗时:0.0060秒)

21.RE: Hightman 你好,我在编译scws时出现了问题

发布时间:2009-05-12 11:05 t By crackx

... is the location of the previous definition In file included from ../../storage/myisam/fulltext.h:20, from ../../storage/myisam/ftdefs.h:20, from plugin_scws.c:25: ../../storage/myisam/myisamdef.h:217: error: syntax error before "pthread_rwlock_t" ../../storage...

22.RE: Hightman 你好,我在编译scws时出现了问题

发布时间:2009-07-18 17:07 t By yugan300

... is the location of the previous definition In file included from ../../storage/myisam/fulltext.h:20, from ../../storage/myisam/ftdefs.h:20, from plugin_scws.c:25: ../../storage/myisam/myisamdef.h:217: error: syntax error before "pthread_rwlock_t" ../../storage...

23.Hightman 你好,我在编译scws时出现了问题

更新时间:2009-05-06 09:05 t By crackx

... is the location of the previous definition In file included from ../../storage/myisam/fulltext.h:20, from ../../storage/myisam/ftdefs.h:20, from plugin_scws.c:25: ../../storage/myisam/myisamdef.h:216: error: syntax error before "pthread_rwlock_t" ../../storage...


发布时间:2012-09-12 22:09 t By Dull

...a-z]{2,2})/i')) Header('Location: /'); 3、继续搜索词过滤 AND OR如果位于检索词末端,默认是返回所有结果集,我的做法简单又暴力,直接干掉,测试结果http://www.xunsearch.com/demo/search.php?q=hello+AND&f=_all&s=relevance http://www.xunsearch.com/dem...


更新时间:2012-09-28 10:09 t By zspoplar

...oc = new XSDocument; $conn=mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "111111") or die("Could not connect: " . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db('zi, $conn) or die ('Can\'t use test : ' . mysql_error()); $result=mysql_query("select id,title,time,sid,content,key from learn limit 4429 offset 3000"); whi...


...过 [XSSearch::setFuzzy] 开启了模糊匹配,那么相当于采用 `OR` 规则,只要其中一个关键词匹配即可。 刚刚说的这种搜索的是索引数据库的“混合区”,即类型为 `body` 的字段以及索引方式为 `mixed` 或 `both` 的字段。如果某个字段的...

27.RE: 查一字段的多个值

发布时间:2013-04-11 16:04 t By hightman

channel:10 OR channel:13

28.RE: 搜索语句超长

发布时间:2013-12-17 08:12 t By skybaby



发布时间:2013-11-11 10:11 t By kimiduan

编译环境:VS2010 在生成过程中,出现如下错误: 无法打开包括文件:“php.h”: No such file or directory PHP的源代码和php5ts.lib已放到对应的目录下,请问如何解决?


发布时间:2012-04-12 15:04 t By 290977824@qq.com

比如我要搜a4纸,但是实际上我的意思是要出a4复印纸,问题是基词的分割是a4与纸,指定同义词的时候就会无效,谁有更好的解决方案? 我的方案是过滤这个关键字,用setQuery的or语法查出来

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