
大约有 30 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 3,513 项。 (搜索耗时:0.0062秒)


发布时间:2013-12-14 09:12 t By wkx198742

...': configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH See `config.log' for more details ----- ERROR: failed to configure scws, see 'setup.log' for more detail[/size]


发布时间:2014-10-14 19:10 t By diozhang

添加索引失败,查看indexd.log: ERROR failed to open/lock the input file (FILE:tmp/touch_db.snd, ERROR:No locks available) indexd[13366] NOTICE import exit (DB:18touch.db, FLAG:0x0000, PID:13600, EXIT:-1) 把touch_db.sn删除掉,仍然会出现这种问题,如何解决?


发布时间:2013-05-20 11:05 t By tendyming

每天凌晨都挂了,,无法restart, 只能kill进程, 然后再启动。,各位有没有碰到这问题? log: 2013-05-15 00:34:29 worker3[15254] ERROR [sock:17] xapian exception on sending doc (ERROR:The revision being read has been discarded - you should call Xapian::Dat...


...strpos($query, ':') !== false) { return $ret; } // Search the log database $op = $this->_defaultOp; $this->xs->setScheme(XSFieldScheme::logger()); try { $result = $this->setDb(self::LOG_DB)->setFuzzy()->setLimit($limit + 1)->search($query); foreach ($result as $do...


更新时间:2011-11-09 21:11 t By fg0711

.../bin/c++ ----- ERROR: failed to configure xapian-core-scws, see 'setup.log' for more detail [hr] [root@localhost xunsearch-full-1.0.1]# sh setup.sh + | Welcome to setup xunsearch(full) | | 欢迎使用 xunsearch (完整版) 安装程序 | ...

16.Xunsearch 安装时常见错误解决办法(不断更新)!

更新时间:2011-09-26 10:09 t By hpxl

... it first. ----- ERROR: failed to configure xapian-core-scws, see 'setup.log' for more detail [/code] 解决方法: 假设您将 xunsearch 安装在 $prefix 目录; cd $prefix/lib; ln -s libuuid.so.1.0 libuuid.so; ln -s libscws.so.2.0 libscws.so; (注意:不同版本可能链接文件...

17.RE: Xunsearch 安装时常见错误解决办法(不断更新)!

发布时间:2014-05-08 17:05 t By fain7

... it first. ----- ERROR: failed to configure xapian-core-scws, see 'setup.log' for more detail [/code] 解决方法: 假设您将 xunsearch 安装在 $prefix 目录; cd $prefix/lib; ln -s libuuid.so.1.0 libuuid.so; ln -s libscws.so.2.0 libscws.so; (注意:不同版本可能链接文件...


...arch($query = null, $saveHighlight = true){ if ($this->_curDb !== self::LOG_DB && $saveHighlight) { $this->_highlight = $query; } $query = $query === null ? '' : $this->preQueryString($query); $page = pack('II', $this->_offset, $this->_limit > 0 ? $this->_limit : self::PAGE_SIZE);...

19.xunsearch 1.4.7安装问题在线等

发布时间:2013-09-28 15:09 t By youluolei

... it first. ----- ERROR: failed to configure xapian-core-scws, see 'setup.log' for more detail 没配置xapian-core-scws 这个是什么问题啊?? 找了一天了,搜索了一天了实在找不出原因,求高手解答....有朋友说是没分词库,安装包中不是有scws包? 这...


更新时间:2014-04-19 16:04 t By zhouaini528

...vel package) ----- ERROR: failed to configure xapian-core-scws, see 'setup.log' for more detail 查看安装目录 root@localhost:~# ls -i /etc/xunsearch/bin 789769 scws 789770 scws-gen-dict 789780 tst_uuid 789782 uuid_time 木有 bin/xs-ctl.sh 自己笨 没有安装zlib 现在好了

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