
大约有 14 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 3,513 项。 (搜索耗时:0.0042秒)


发布时间:2013-07-31 10:07 t By homingway

...什么好的方案 class XSTokenizerUnary implements XSTokenizer { private $length = 1; // 默认切分长度 public function __construct($arg = null){ if ($arg !== null && $arg !== '') $this->length = $arg; } public function getTokens($value, XSDocument $doc=null){ $charset ...


...造函数: ~~~ [php] class XSTokenizerXyz implements XSTokenizer { private $delim = '-'; // 默认按 - 分割 public function __construct($arg = null) { if ($arg !== null && $arg !== '') $this->delim = $arg; } public function getTokens($value, XSDocument...

13.Vincent du photonworks.com/pradabags.html

发布时间:2014-03-22 23:03 t By ArmandoDore

...nnouncements.In a small but heavily publicized media campaign last week, a privately funded marketing firm produced radio ads in California featuring Perry and denigrating that state taxes and regulation while touting the Texas business climate. A progressive Texas political action committee respond...

14.RE: xunsearch服务器一到晚上就死了,重启后又好了,我把日志贴上来

发布时间:2012-02-22 22:02 t By jatwxf

...NLCK, whence=SEEK_SET, start=0, len=0}) = 0 futex(0x8063c48, FUTEX_WAKE_OP_PRIVATE, 1, 1, 0x8063c44, {FUTEX_OP_SET, 0, FUTEX_OP_CMP_GT, 1}) = 1 epoll_wait(1, {{EPOLLIN, {u32=0, u64=0}}}, 32, 19940) = 1 clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {223660, 369822960}) = 0 epoll_ctl(1, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, 0, {EPOLLIN, {...

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