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11.Libscws C API 使用说明

更新时间:2010-12-30 22:12 t By hightman

[b][size=5]Libscws - 0.0.1 C API 说明[/size][/b] [b][size=4][color=#0033cc]0. 概述[/color][/size][/b] Libscws 代码是当前 SCWS(简易中文分词) 算法使用C语言编写的链接库,目前仅基于 Unix 族的操作系统,可能必须适当修改才能运行在 Windows 平台中。这...

12.Vincent du photonworks.com/pradabags.html

发布时间:2014-03-22 23:03 t By ArmandoDore

By WILL WEISSERTTexas Gov. Rick Perry wrapped up his highprofile recruiting trip to California on Wednesday without having persuaded any businesses to relocate to his state at least not yet.On a conference call with reporters from Laguna Beach, the Republican said he spent his four days meeting wit...

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