...{return} string 源码: sdk/php/util/XSDataSource.class.php#L945 (显示) protected function makeDsn($param){ $dsn = 'sqlite:' . $param['path']; return $dsn;} 生成 SQLite DSN
...字段各项配置 源码: sdk/php/lib/XSFieldScheme.class.php#L298 (显示) public function __construct($name, $config = null){ $this->name = strval($name); if (is_array($config)) { $this->fromConfig($config); }} 构造函数
...以支持串接操作 源码: sdk/php/lib/XSTokenizer.class.php#L316 (显示) public function setDuality($yes = true){ $this->_setting['duality'] = new XSCommand(XS_CMD_SEARCH_SCWS_SET, XS_CMD_SCWS_SET_DUALITY, $yes === false ? 0 : 1); return $this;} 设置散...
...其值组成的数组 源码: sdk/php/lib/XSDocument.class.php#L154 (显示) public function setFields($data){ if ($data === null) { $this->_data = array(); $this->_meta = $this->_terms = $this->_texts = null; } else { $this->_data = array_merge($this->_data, $data); ...
...身以支持串接操作 源码: sdk/php/lib/XSSearch.class.php#L69 (显示) public function setCharset($charset){ $this->_charset = strtoupper($charset); if ($this->_charset == 'UTF8') { $this->_charset = 'UTF-8'; } return $this;} 设置字符集 默认字符集是 UTF-8...
...身以支持串接操作 源码: sdk/php/lib/XSSearch.class.php#L227 (显示) public function setQuery($query){ $this->clearQuery(); if ($query !== null) { $this->_query = $query; $this->addQueryString($query); } return $this;} 设置默认搜索语句 用于不带...
...库的分词复合等级 源码: sdk/php/lib/XSIndex.class.php#L347 (显示) public function getScwsMulti(){ $cmd = array('cmd' => XS_CMD_SEARCH_SCWS_GET, 'arg1' => XS_CMD_SCWS_GET_MULTI); $res = $this->execCommand($cmd, XS_CMD_OK_INFO); return intval($res->buf);} 获取当前索...
...象以支持串接操作 源码: sdk/php/lib/XSIndex.class.php#L404 (显示) public function endRebuild(){ if ($this->_rebuild === true) { $this->_rebuild = false; $this->execCommand(array('cmd' => XS_CMD_INDEX_REBUILD, 'arg1' => 1), XS_CMD_OK_DB_REBUILD); } return $this;...
...合条件的索引共有161条,但offset不是最后一页的情况下,显示的total为 310条 [code]# php Quest.php ~/dev/config/search/question.ini --query="answered:0 AND (status:0 OR status:1)" --limit 120,30|head -n 1 在 1,525 条数据中,大约有 310 条包含 answered:0 AND (sta...
...交到索引服务器 源码: sdk/php/lib/XSDocument.class.php#L331 (显示) public function beforeSubmit(XSIndex $index){ if ($this->_charset === null) { $this->_charset = $index->xs->getDefaultCharset(); } return true;} 重写接口, 在文档提交到索引服务器前调...